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Star's POV

"Hey ..." , I declared as we met up in front of the school gates.

Scorpius "Kevin" Malfoy Slytherin's Head boy , who at first glance had a very confident jock personality but in reality was the biggest geek.

Helena Stanford , pretty , bubbly and popular , that was her entire personality, being captain of the dance club and most popular girl in Slytherin's house , you can't expect much from her innocent demeanour.

Daniel Zabini , proof of the legend of his family's incredible genes , both when it came to being fine and evil. His favourite activities : flirting and playing girls , very manipulative which was not surprising for someone of his house.

Alice Vandergard , ambivert Head Girl who surprisingly, is Helena's best friend , the two are inseparable, to get to Alice , you have to pass by Helena.

James Potter , captain of Gryffindor's quidditch team and the house's head boy , flirt and irritating attitude , very protective , most popular boy in his grade , he spent his entire childhood bullying his little brother Albus , pretends to have good friends when he's in conflict with half of them , Scorpius' reason is unknown , Zabini is since our incident , he broke up with Alice.
VERY manipulative. 

"Rocking the outfit" , said Helena as I flaunted my new and improved uniform.

"Right ! Should we get in ?", I asked.

"Are we all ready" , Scorpius asked as we all nodded and went in the same formation as we always had.

"Alice ... switch with Star , she's on the cover of this month's magazine and is heaps more popular than you ... it's only natural" , said Scorpius as the blonde moved away reluctantly , giving me her spot in front as the doors flung open and we walked in.

And then there's me , Celesta Granger , top student of the freshman class , so much that I had to go straight to Sophomore , ambivert and OBSESSED with shoes and K-pop , a rocky relationship with my parents , Hogwarts' most popular girl and Golden Gryff , I may be 14 but there's a lot going on with my life.

Oh and all together.

We are the Supreme Court of Hogwarts , consisted of the 2 strongest house in the school : Slytherin and Gryffindor and feared by all students .

I fit right in.

"STAR !", I heard someone yelling in front me.

"ALBUS!", I replied as I wanted to run towards him and hug him yet I got held back by both Scorpius and James.

"You'll ruin the formation , just go hug him later", said James , "he's not even important"

"He is to me", I relied dryly as we went on , walking to the Grand Hall where we sat down at our usual spot.

"A new Trimester starts at Hogwarts where we do not only expect even greater results and success as in the past but a more amicable relationship between both our students and other schools' pupils , I expect nothing less than the best from you , especially our very own Supreme Court , now feast on , classes start at 8 am tomorrow morning"

I nodded and texted Albus :

- Let's go to the...

"You're not going anywhere Star , especially not with him" , said James as I scoffed.

"Watch me" , I replied getting up and signing to Albus for him to follow me.

I walked out of the hall and crossed my arms :

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