Dangerous Woman

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Star's POV

I had DATDA class with the Sophomores ( which I'm a permanent student of) and I thought about James and I's conversation.

He was so infuriating , Albus was basically my soulmate , definitely platonic but still and he wants me to stop talking to him all of a sudden.

"Hey St..." , said he seeing me as I turned around.

It hurt so much not being able to talk to him but it was for him to stay the cheerful guy I knew.

I walked around the school at lunch instead of going to eat and felt a hand hold my arm back.

"Are you alright" , Scorpius asked.

I shook my head and started bawling in his as his arms snaked around me.

"It's alright Celesta ... it'll be okay"

Will it ? Will it truly ever be okay ?


James' POV

WHERE the hell is Star , I wanna know what unlocked made her so upset this morning.

I'm also really worried because she didn't speak a word afterwards which was odd.

I ran through the entire school and finally found her , crying in Malfoy's arms.

Did he do something to her? No , it seems like he was actually comforting her.

Why was she hugging another guy , it should be me , I'm the one who should protect her , right ?


Star's POV

"Thanks for that ... this is so embarrassing"

"It's not ... I don't know what made you this upset but ... do you want to do something that will help us forget all of this"

"Like what?"

"I dunno , let's figure it out later , we have Flying Class"

I nodded and we went walked to the field.

"Today , we'll have our monthly race , you'll have to avoid the obstacles all while going through the floating rings , you'll be paired up by two , the winner of each race passes today's class"

I was paired up with Daniel Zabini and cracked my knuckles when our turn came.

"Accio Firebolt" , I cast bringing up my broom and sitting up on it.

Professor Hooch lifted up her wand and created an explosion.

I instantly took off as fast as I could but saw that Daniel had already gained on me.

How could he not , he was a Quidditch player , but I was smarter.

I had to confuse him and I knew exactly how.

"HEY~ Hottie Zabini" , I said seductively.

He instantly turned around and I lifted up my wand.

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