💜It's time, let's go

304 15 0

Pairing: Wilhemina Venable x Fem Lector

Author's note: This request was made anonymously about pregnant Mina.

Word count: 837


You were very nervous to say the least, today they would have their interview for the adoption process.

-How do you feel?- you ask Mina, taking her hand.

-I'm a little nervous, and you?

-The same,- she laughed a little.

Today was the big day and if everything went well, maybe in a few months their little family would expand, but getting to this point has not been easy.


Today had been terrible, you were late as your car left you stranded on the way, your boss decided to have a meeting that lasted about two hours, you had too much work to do so you had to stay longer to finish it, but at least you were happy to be able to go home to your beloved wife.

-Hello Violet- you greet the little white cat that comes to greet you, -did you miss me?- you ask receiving a meow in answer.

-Do you know where mommy is?- caressing your head.

You call your wife without receiving any answer, you enter the bedroom looking for any sign of Mina, something in you tells you to look in the bathroom and you find the redhead sitting on the toilet.

-What's wrong, honey?- you ask, leaning down to be at her level.

-I'm pregnant,- she says in a whisper.

-What?"- you ask not believing what you just heard.

Instead of answering you, he shows you a positive pregnancy test and you take her in your arms, happy to have finally succeeded after so many attempts.

At last your little family that you had formed together would begin to expand.

End of flashback

But it seems that fate had different plans for you.


You were too tired by the time you got home, it was strange not to see Wilhemina's car in the driveway but you just assumed she had stayed at work, originally you planned to sleep for 20 minutes and then start making dinner, but your plans changed at the last minute when you received a call from your wife.

-Hi honey,- you greet hearing a lot of noise on the other end.

-I'm calling from Juarez Hospital,- your blood runs cold when you hear her words.

-Are you still there?

-Yes... I'm here.

-Your wife has just been in a car crash....

You stop listening and go into an automatic state, leaving the house for the hospital.

The next five hours became the most difficult of your life, you knew nothing of Wilhemina's current condition and you were too afraid of losing her after finally finding her. When you were finally allowed to see her, you couldn't help but cry when you saw her whole body full of bruises, she looked so fragile and helpless.

-What happened,?- you said, settling down next to her, careful not to hurt her.

She simply takes your hand leaving a kiss on your knuckles, before placing it on her belly.

-He's a survivor,- she says before bursting into tears.

End of the flashback

They would have thought that things got better from then on, but in reality it was not like that, during the recovery, Mina started to have a lot of bleeding, as well as some back pains; they had gone to her gynecologist but she had told them that this was normal, the problem with her back was that they could not do x-rays because they could affect the baby.

After a few months things did not get better, the bleeding had gotten worse and the pain in her belly got worse. But when they stopped it was much worse, Wilhemina got up in the early morning to go to the bathroom and saw that there was too much blood, they went to the hospital only to receive one of the worst news.

As a result of the shock Mina had generated a scoliosis due to trauma, which could not be detected in time, since she did not have x-rays for the welfare of the baby, then she had generated a miscarriage, since her body was not able to carry a pregnancy or at least not with this condition.

The following months were too much, having had a miscarriage was very hard for both of them, but Mina was the one who had felt it worse, adding to this the scoliosis that had been detected was a very intense moment for your marriage. But the love they felt had helped them overcome this making their relationship much stronger than before.


-Y/n, are you awake?- Wilhelmina calls out to you in the dark of the night as she can't fall asleep.

-I am, sweetie,- she replied, turning to face you.

You couldn't see her at all but at least you felt her next to you.

-I've been thinking,- you begin in a very soft tone, -that maybe we could adopt...

You say it as if it were a secret that no one should know.

-I'm fine with that,- cupping her cheek with completion.

You could feel a smile grow on his face, at his answer regarding adoption.

End of flashback

-It's time, let's go- says the redhead letting go of your hand to get out of the car with the help of her cane and you behind her.

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