2. Trip? ✿

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"OMG it's happening! Everybody stay calm! Stay fucking calm!"

"Your the one who's the most excited, bitch! Everybody is calm here!"

"Oh c'mon! Nobody deserves a pretty, cute, sexy guy like me!"

"Overreacting bitch."

"Hey! Be respectful towards your elders."

"Respectful my ass. Why would I respect someone who's just 2 months older than me?"

"2 months, yes. 2 fucking months!"

"What did you achieve being 2 months older than me anyways? Pooping skills?"

"Just shut the fuck up!"

The day of Taehyung's was started like this. Yes, he was excited for the surprise, but not that much that he'll scream everywhere. God, he wanted his bestfriend, Jimin, to get a boyfriend so that he could annoy his boyfriend everyday instead of annoying Taehyung.

Jungkook POV

I walked into my school looking around. Everyone was smiling was smiling and laughing, too much. I miss it.

I miss smiling.

But why were they so happy anyways? Oh yeah, I remember. Yesterday our science ma'am informed that there will a surprise today. But I couldn't care enough. Pretty sure it will be a childish surprise. And I hated it.

Time Skip, to Science Lecture.

"So everyone, are you excited about the surprise?"

The students shouted "Yes".

"Okay! Okay! I guess you've waited enough now. So the surprise is that,

We all are going on a trip!"

The students faces turned happy. They started shouting. They were all happy, including Taehyung and Jimin.

I knew it would be childish surprise. Jungkook thought.

"But, we have every child of this class to come to the trip. This is class is great at studying that is why everyone's coming is compulsory"

Oh no...

Why? Just why? Jungkook didn't wanted to be there. Why is it compulsory for every student to be present? It's always optional, right? Then why isn't it optional now? It's not like Jungkook doesn't have money, his mom was the CEO of a big company and his father being her secretary. Why did he have to go there? Why?

"Attention Jeon! What happened? Why are you zoning out?" The teacher asked, bringing Jungkook back from his thoughts. "Sorry ma'am" Jungkook politely answered.

Time Skip, at Jungkook's House

Jungkook was tensed.

He seemed pissed off from when the teacher informed about the trip.

He hated it. He hated everything.

Jungkook had to go. There was no other option.

He can just rome around and take pictures. Yeah, pictures. He loved photography. Everytime he find something amusing, he always took their photo. I guess that's the happy part.

Tomorrow he'd probably ask about sharing a room and roming freely. And he doesn't even know how long the trip is gonna last. He hoped that the trip wasn't long otherwise he has to share a room with someone.

With all these thoughts, Jungkook went to sleep...

Unlucky you say, right? Yeah Jungkook was unlucky. He was unlucky that his parents died in front of him. If he wasn't so eager to go to the beach, maybe his parents would be alive right now. And Jungkook would be happy. But everyone has a destiny. And no matter how bad or how good your destiny is, you have to live with it.

Unfair, right? Yeah, life is unfair.

"I wish I was happy right now..." Jungkook spoke, crying.


How do you do, fellow kids? [LaurenZside fan right here 🤡👍🏻]

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This story will be uploaded when I fully am done with this story. Till then it'll be in my drafts. For tmi u know 🌝🌝

#peaceout ;3

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