3. Project Partners ✿

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Living hell

That's what Jungkook's life is.

But it was still a normal day, except the fact that he was tensed for the picnic.

Everytime, he refused to go. Others thought that he's just a BIG nerd but that wasn't the case. He was scared. Scared of vehicles. Scared of making friends. Scared of losing them.

His worst nightmare is falling in love. Loving someone is great until you lose them. Once they leave from your life, you fall apart. That's what Jungkook's perspective says.


"Yesyesyesyes! I'm soooo fucking excited!"

"Shut up. The trip is probably going to be held like next year, who knows?"

"Ugh! Stop ruining my mood, alien!"

"Hah! Fuck you, shorty!"

The two boys, whom you ofcourse know, are as always bickering around. Even tho they are seen mostly fighting, only the two of them know, how close they are.

Taehyung always supported and cared for Jimin as friend. Jimin did the same too, just not in a friendly way....

Nah I'm just kidding

He always got annoyed if Taehyung called him shorty.


Jungkook made his way to the school. As always he saw the two boys laughing and talking with each other about god knows what.

Why are they always around me?

Jungkook thought because wherever he goes in the school, they are always around him. It seemed suspicious but he knew that the two boys had nothing to do with it. It was just a bunch of coincidences.

He paved his way through. And once again was surrounded by people talking about the trip. It was getting in his nerves.

As always nothing was special.

Just some fucking dumbasses cheering for the trip.

He hated it.

Jungkook hated it.

Did he?


"So class I see you all are very excited for the trip. I suggest you to take cameras if you have an interest in photography cause this trip will contain many beautiful places." The teacher spoke.

Camera? Huh? I guess I can take that... Jungkook thought.

"And one more important announcement to be informed to you is, you all are getting assignments. This trip will be for a week, I may or may not have mentioned earlier but yeah, it's going to take seven days. You can count it as eight days as the seventh night will be spent there and you will return to your home the day after. And you can rome around freely, just inform the receptionist if you can't find the teachers. As you will be getting mostly eight days of rest, the principal has informed that you should be assigned some projects to do before the trip." The teacher gave a LONG speech about why there must a project assigned.

"And second important announcement is that minimum three people should do this project."

"Ma'am is this a group project?"

"Yes, dear."

Shit. This is the second most worst day of my life. The first was when the trip was announced and the second one, this. We could have done the assignments alone. Why was there a need to make it into a fucking group project?! I hate it. I hate this whole universe!

Jungkook screamed in his thoughts. Why did he end up with the question, "why"? He wasn't curious about "how", "when", "where" but "why" scared him.

But the main part is here.

Who will be my project partners?

He didn't have ANY friends. He was rarely seen talking to any if his classmates, forming a friendship is a long way from here. But there is a bright part.

If anyone wasn't his partner then he'll get to do the project alone, yes.

Jungkook was now seeing every student, going to their friend's bench. (if you call it desk then idk 😐).

"Jeon? I'm so sorry for you dear... Does anyone want to pair up with Jungkook?"

"Yes ma'am, Me and my friend would like to pair up with him." Someone spoke. And Jungkook can recognise that "someone's" face.

"Great, so Jungkook, Taehyung and his friend, Jimin will pair up with you." The teacher spoke, happy that Jungkook got partners.

Great. Really great. I am paired up with someone whom I don't give a fuck about. I think I know Jimin, yeah he's one of the toppers but this Taehyung guy? No. Fucking no.



Heyyy beautiful people 😉💘

Whatcha doing?

Where you at?

Oh you got played-

Am sorry i must stop for the sake of god 😂😐


#peaceout ;3

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