6. Friends? ✿

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Soon the dreadly Sunday ended and Jungkook got up from his bed. Well from today, he is supposed to start the assignment but didn't know when or where it was supposed to be done.


"Heyyyy partner! What's up?" Taehyung asked to the bunny boy that just reached the school.

"Uhh, the...sky?" Jungkook answered.

"Oh c'mon! Just tell me how you feeling?"

"Do I look like I'm dead? No right, so kindly shut the fuck up."

"Rudeeeee! Well you haven't talked to Jimin, right?"

"Yeah I would be very pleased to meet him, unlike you."

"Excuse meh-"

"Hey!" Jimin spoke, cheerfully.

"Hi. Nice to meet you." Jungkook said, happily.

"Yeah sameee Kook!"

"Kook?" Jungkook spoke as he never heard someone call him "kook".

"Yeah, Kook sounds nice..." Taehyung spoke out of nowhere. "But Kookie is nicer!"


Hell no.

I'm not gonna let just anyone call me that right?

"Please don't call me that, personal reasons." Jungkook said, a bit sadly.

"Ohk, I understand bunnyyy!" Taehyung said.

"Bunny? What are you two? Nickname making people or what?" Jungkook asked as they both suggested nicknames while Jungkook couldn't think of any.

"Welllll, you look like a bunny, so why not? Besides Jimin already has a nickname for you, so I deserve it too." Taehyung said.

"Okay, I guess..."

Jungkook POV

Finally I got away with the annoying voices of these elder ones and rushed to my classroom. It wasn't empty.

No not again.

The class isn't empty because Taehyung's here.

"Oh, heyyy!" He exclaimed, excitedly, as I returned after like hundred years.

"What now?" I answered, trying to ignore him by opening my English book.

"Well, well, stop studying here too! We have to study whole day anyways so why waste the two seconds we get?" He spoke, moving his chair towards me.

As he was moving, he lost control and the chair just slipped. Well, he didn't fell but was about to make me fall.

Our faces grew close as his hand suddenly travelled to my waist.

He didn't look shocked meanwhile I was gay panicking.

"So what topic were you studying anyways?" He asked as if the thing didn't happen.

I was panicking and his hand on my waist wasn't helping at all.

"Heyyy, cat got your tongue?" He asked as I didn't answer his previous question.

"No. Dog got my tongue, stupid." I answered, acting like I didn't care.

"C'mon on buddy! You are my friend! Friends aren't so rude to each other!" He spoke, annoyed with my silent treatments.

"Friends? Who said we are friends?" I questioned.

"Well we are friends..., aren't we?"


I barely had any acquaintances back when I was seven.

I still don't know what friends mean.

What are they supposed to do?

What are we supposed to do?

Gay panick whenever they get close to you? No definitely not.

"I still don't see you as a friend..." I answered, breaking the silence that was made for 5 minutes straight.

"Well, well, that's okay. I understand...

..but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop annoying you!" Taehyung spoke.

"Wasn't expecting that anyways."


"That defines you."

"What are you? A rude person?"

"A born roaster. That's what I am."

"So hey roaster, can I put my bread inside you-

No, wait, that sounds wrong..." Taehyung said, while I slammed the book on my face to hide my blushing red face.

"Everything you say sounds wrong. You are wrong. You are born wrong." I spoke wanting to roast him again.

"Well I don't know if my head came first or my legs when I was born..." He said, thinking.

"Stupid. That's what you are."

"Rude. That's what you are." He spoke, faking getting hurt.

Btw for confirmation, Taehyung's hand was still on Jungkook's waist and now he didn't mind but he suddenly started to move his hand making Jungkook feel all kinds of emotions.

"What about your parents?" He said making my smile drop in millisecond.

"They d-died ten years a-ago..." I spoke stuttering.

"Omg, I'm so sorry I asked you that..."

"That's okay... What about yours?"

"My what?"


"Ohhh well I live with my mom while my father was a bitch to leave my mom while she was pregnant." He spoke, getting angry.

"Wait... We finally had a normal convo! Are we friends? Pls pls pls pls pls you are my friend, right?" He spoke, again.

"I guess we are friends."



I wanna skip to the trip soooo bad but we gotta make chapters 😔✊🏻

No worries tho

I want you to know that I'm never leaving 💘✌🏻

#peaceout ;3

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