Part 2; Proposal

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Jimmy's pov:

As me and Scott were watching a film in bed I was thinking of what to say to him when I'm going to propose to him. I  don't want to say something cringy like I did when I asked him out... I guess that I was so lost in thought that Scott noticed.

"Everything thing OK there you've been shaking your head like your saying no. Is it the film or..."
"Ummm No just thoughts..."

I was fiddling with my ring finger and I probably glanced one or twice at Scott's. As the film ended I felt Scott place his hands so that they were crissed crossed the back of my torso and he nuzzled up into the right side of my neck. He gave me a couple of small kisses on my neck. I relaxed in his arms, I felt safe...

"Hay Scott..?"
"If we did get married how would you have it done?"
"Well... I'll have the entire wedding at the place where who ever it is porpoises and yeah... Why?"
"Well if I was ganna propose I wanted to know were the best place would be!"
"Ok... Right settle down and sleep"

As I settled down, placing my one of my hands on the lower part of his back and the other on his head playing with his hair.

"Do you want to go to this open part of a forest with me tomorrow?"
"Yeah... Now sleep"

We fell asleep and it was nice. It had just started to rain so there were light taps of rain on our windows, it was peaceful.

When I woke up Scott was no where to be seen, I got up and head out of the bed room and saw Scott making brakefast. God he looked so focused on the food and how it looked to even acknowledge my existence at the bedroom door way.

He turned around to face the bedroom, presumably to call me through. But he jumped, he has leaning against a cabinet side and had his right hand on his chest.

"You alright love?"
"Y-yeah... You scared me!"
"Sorry, you looked ever so focused on brakefast I didn't want to disturb you!"

I said have a smile, even if Scott had a slight frown, I walked over and when I got up to him I opened my arm gesturing for him to hug me, and he did.

After Scott broke the hug we sat down and had brakefast. God could he cook! He made triple choco chip pancakes with icing sugar on top with whipped cream and strawberrys between each pancake and not to forget we both had 6 pancakes each, Lucky I'm not on for eating lunch...


I had taken Scott to the small opening that me and Pix had decorated, he had a blindfold on so he couldn't see the surroundings, I got the last few things done and removed the blindfold.

I removed the blindfold, he was surprised to see what was around us. I was ganna propose to him... 'Jimmy don't mess this up by saying something cringy like when you asked him to be your boyfriend... So don't f this up!' I kept saying to myself and made sure I had the lines ready...

"Wow... Jimmy did you do this?"
"Yes and no... I had help from Pix to set it up..."
"Oh. But umm what's wrong? Your all red"

I took a deep breath... 'Don't f this up Jim'

"Scott, as you know I've loved you since the start of all of this and now I was wondering if you'll no longer be my boyfriend..."

I got down to one knee and got a small black box out of my pocket. And slightly held it up to him...

"But instead be my future husband..."

I opened the box, to show a small Citrine in a shape of stag, the part that goes around the finger- whatever its called... Was made out of silver.

"Scott Smajor, will you marry me?"

He had tears of joy forming then jumped at me.

"Yes, a thousand times yes!!"

He gave me a kiss on the lips, we got up and I placed the ring his finger and we kissed again. 'Go do I love him... And yeah... Wedding in the future... Life shouldn't be this easy... Well you've got to take the ups with the downs... Just enjoy this time Jimmy, while it lasts...' As I thought to myself Scott was looking at his ring, with a faint smile 'Jimmy don't worry for now, you've got Scott and everyone else by your side... No point in letting serious things get to ya...'

"Love the ring?"
"Good, Wanna go on a date or go home and have a movie marathon?"
"Ummm...Let's go on a celibatory Date!"
"Alright! Let's head home first and sort ourselves out then go on our date!"
"Yeah that's fine, come on I'll race ya!"
"Hay! No fair!!"

We flew home Scott winning as he had a heads start. He got his cloths and a towel and headed of to get a shower while he did I saw a Hermit walking up to our house, well one of them... We need to decide who's Empire will de ours...

"Hi! How can me or Scott assist you?"
"Well I was hoping to find some of my friends..."
"Oh... Who, because there's so many of ya here"
"Yeah I know... Well It's Don, Tortis, Grian and Scar!"
"Right, well you are..? Again so many of ya"
"Oh! It's J"
"Right well Scott's in the shower at the moment but you can come in for a dit!"
"Y-you sure?"
"Yeah, he'll understand"
"If ya say so"

I stepped aside to let J in, He sat down and I started a small conversation with him just to get to know him.

Scott had walked out of the shower and was confused why a hermit was here and I explained to him though not impressed that we were going onto a date but then I f it up by helping someone.


Me and Scott looked into the horizon watching the sunset. Hands interlocked and he placed his head onto my shoulder.

"Love you, Jimmy"
"Love you too"

I gave him a kiss on his head and rested mine on his...

It was nice...


1065 words

Right I know it's probably getting interesting but... You know I've got to say this...

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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