HA! YA THOUGHT||The true end

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Dear my dearest reader, I give you a surprise part! This is just a thanks for everything (unless your not reading this when I was working on it, but still thanks for the support) and yeah...

Scar pov;

I was waiting by the alter for G to walk down the aisle, everyone's talking wait for Grian to walk down. I felt Cub's hand on my shoulder.

"Mate, calm down, I understand that G isn't walking down now but he will soon, for all we know Tortis is doing an idiot and is causing problems, so take a deep breath and try to calm down"

All I did was nod in return, so I did and looked over to X (who decided that he was the one to unite us) as he looked over at me.

"Listen to Cub, he ain't wrong,but G might be as nervous as you are. So like Cub said, take a deep breath and try to calm down"
"I'll try... But it's still nervrecking"

Grian pov;

I was pacing back and forth outside of the doors, we're Scar and the rest of the Hermits are, waiting for me to walk down the aisle.

"J, what do I do I can't go down the aisle like this!"
"Breath in and calm down at best, Scar's going to be nervous as well, so don't worry, even if things went wrong, you and Scar have all of us on the survur as friends so don't worry"
"I'll try"

I gave an unconvincing smile to J who just rolled his eyes, and pulled me into a hug and I gave one back. Once we released the hug, I took one big breath and built the courage to walk through the doors

"I'm ready..."

I faced the door took another deep breath, and walked through, eyes suddenly fell onto me but I shook it off and continued walking down the aisle, seeing how far me and Scar have came surprises me. Once up at the alter and looked up to Scar with a smile and he gave one in return.

Then X started

*Poof* yeah no, I'm not doing the speech part and so I'll be skipping to the evening due as then I can make this short and sweet, right bye! *poof*

3rd person pov;

As all the hermits danced, laughed and had fun, Grian and Scar felt happy that they've gotten so far as lovers, at first I did fell surreal to them, and they would agree as they wasn't sure about the others feeling and then a surprise/blind date caused them to reveal the truth about their feelings, even though it was ruined by the others but it was still a memory. Now they have a new life together

The end (Well for the hermits side that is)

Jimmy pov;

While looking down the aisle and seeing all my friends smiling and talking to one another, I felt my heart starting to get faster. My breathing started to get unsteady, then a hand was on my shoulder.

"Jimmy, think about what makes you calm and happy. Your starting to panic"

I nodded and did as Joel said. Soon I was calm enough, and waited for Scott.

Scott pov;

I waited outside the doors and nodded to go through the doors. All that was on my mind was what me and Jimmy are going to get up to, now that we're going to be husbands.

I got up to the alter and Fwip spoke up.

*Poof* again, I'm not doing the speech part and so I'll be skipping to the evening due as then I can make this short and sweet, right bye! *poof*

3rd person pov;

Soon everyone were dancing and singing the night away, once the moon was half way up everyone had gone home and falling asleep or relaxing. Soon everyone was asleep.


Katherine pov;

I was talking to Lizzie and having a laugh, I was pleased with gow far me and Shubble have come. The only thing that I was worried but it wasn't because  all it was if me or Shelby would start laughing as it would be a funny moment as such. Then I the doors opened.

Shelby pov;

I walked down the aisle and had a smile on my face and once I was at the alter, Fwip spoke up and everything went silent.

*Poof* Yet again, I'm not doing the speech part and so I'll be skipping to the evening due as then I can make this short and sweet, right bye! *poof*

3rd person pov;

As the night took over and everyone started to fall asleep or finish small things here and there, and soon all that was roaming the world were monsters and faint mummers of nether portals.

The end.

There we go, I finished the book once and for all and so now, ON TO MY NEXT BOOK!!!!!

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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