Part 17; Over-world dragon

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Doc pov;

As I look at what the Hive mind has been making, I thought to see what would happen if I had asked 'Do you guys think that you can make a redstone machine to get the ender dragon to the over-world?' I watched as the chat filled up with questions about my sanity but others were all ready planning things, I sat back as I watched it all happened.

I kept looking at the survurs chat and nothing was happening that was classified as drama... Everything was boring at the moment Why can't there just be a little bit or drama, There's been no wars for awhile wich in its own way is kind of boring as there was nothing to be occupied with or just to watch as it happened. Like season 6 Grian touched my redstone and it became a war, season 7 Scar got rid of the mycelium then Grian decided that he would make a rebellion to it and then that became a war, finally season 8 nearly the entire thing was a war just one big survur wide prank war, no one really started to my acknowledgement.

Anyway, what have we got from the Hive mind? As I scanned through everything most of the Hive mind members had already made a machine and if I was to go through with it a flying machine design was there so I could bring the dragon to my base... I kept thinking to myself, 'Should I keep up with braking things in minecraft and it's physics..? Yeah I should!'
I said thanks to Hive mind and that I'm actually going to do it. Messages saying good luck or hope you survive filled the chat.


Following the instructions that were made for the set up, I eventually made it and got the dragon ready to the over-world. Once I had the chance I jumped through the portal, went to spawn and placed a block ready for her (the ender dragon, yes the ender dragon if you didn't know is a girl and her names Jean)

I went back into the end and pushed her through the portal into the over-world where I had the flying machine read for her. I made sure that she was lined up with the flying machine as I did Grian flew around her and landed on a near by on some island.

"I don't wanna know..."
"I see you've find my wonderful new pet!"
"Pet!? Doc this is obscured! How!?"
"Well all I did was ask the Hive mind to create a redstone machine for bringing the ender dragon to the over-world, and they did and they also made a flying machine to push her to the goat flag pole"
"Doc... What is it with you and your Hive mind braking the physics of Minecraft?"
"Grian, Once one of the Hive mind members find a bug they take full advantage of it and make as many redstone machines as they can before it gets patched"
"Ok... Well you have fun, and don't die..?"
"Yeah, Oh! And also there's another ender dragon in the portal so use your shield when it comes to leaving the end"
"Will do"

As I watched Grian fly off I could tell he was a bit shook up as his sound very uneasy, but I shook my head and got back to work about 25 minutes later Pix came over

"Doc, gow have you done this?"
"Just did as the Hive mind said, and followed their instructions"
"But why do you need the ender dragon here?"
"Because I wanted a pet and not just any ordinary pet but a boss for a pet"
"Right... How does X deal with you lot?"
"Don't know... He just does"
"Anyway the next pet your probably going to have is a pet Wither"
"I've already got a pet Warden, so I might as well"
"You what?"
"Yeah I've got a pet Warden called King"
"Ok, I'm ganna go and let you get on with this"
"Ok, bye!"


Etho pov;

I was getting a bit bored and I saw that people were freaking out about Doc with the ender dragon, and that was the main topic for awhile... But then Doc has the Hive mind to help him with mind blowing redstone machines, so why this is a question I don't know, it's often is because of the Hive creating these sort of things... But Hay everyone's just surprised at the fact that Doc managed to get the ender dragon to the over-world...

As I layed down onto the floor, I took a moment to process everything that's been happening anyway... As there's been alot that has happened, in less then a year but at the same time watching as the sky changes colour as the sunsetted beyond the horizon, I loved the silence I had due to the fact that it's always noisy on the Hermitcraft survur. So it was a change, but like always it didn't last long. As I Grian shouting on the lines of 'It was just a prank, leave me alone' as he flew by with a guesstimated that he was about 30 block above me, then before I could sit up to see who was after him then I see Scar (shirt of like always) after Grian.

Once I sat up, I just rolled my eyes and chose to go to Doc and see his pet dragon. I got my elytra on and headed of to the perimeter.


Once I got there I started to shout for Doc, then as I got his dome, I walked in to see him working on plans to add more mind braking redstone machines for the perimeter.

"Hi Doc!"
"What you doin'?"
"Making a new farm..."
"Cool, can I see your new pet?"

I watched as he put his pen down, turned to me and steared at me

"Sure, let's go!"
"Ok, lead the way Goat"

As we flew over to the flag pole and there she was the ender dragon circling the top of the flag pole.

"Here she is"
"And you have done it"
"Yeah, I'm kinda hoping that my neighbours, such as the love birds, don't come, and bother us"
"Yeah... You know it will happen one way or another"
"Yep, but I will make sure that they won't somehow..."
"Good luck with making redstone machines that are both Grian and Scar proof"
"I will"
"Well then see ya later Doc, I'm off to my base to add more to it"
"All right, see ya later"

I waved bye to Doc and made my way home to add more to the build, there's ganna be another war...


1126 words

Wooo I finally did it, I had a writers block for quite a while then Doc with the ender dragon in the over-world came to me then I decided to go for it before it left me, but yeah it was a roller-coaster for sure :)

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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