part 6; The Listener

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Scott pov:

I was gathering materials for my empire and think for who's Empire will be the main empire from mine and Jimmy's ofcourse...

But as I wounder a portal came into view I hid behind a tree as I didn't recognise it, it wasn't a nether portal.

It's had a lime green mist but there was nothing around it to act like a source or function to it at all...

'It has to be a Watcher's or Listener's portal'

I thought to myself, as only powerful gods can own such power, Herobrian, Entity 303, Null, Watchers, Listeners and Notch, to what I can think of, that is... But I don't know who's who's though...

I'll wait to see what or who comes out of it... The I'll know for sure...

As time went by a sudden noise caught me by surprise... I looked towards the portal... My heart sunk...

A creature that had been on this surver walked out talking to a watcher...

I over heard what they were saying and I stayed quite this might needed to be informed to Fwip and or Pix...

"You want me to keep a closer eye on the listener here on Empires?"
"Yes Shade, I need you to make sure he's doing as he's been asked... He didn't do as he was told last time on the previous survur of Empires... Nore any fo the life survurs... But then again a watcher was the one who owned them..."
"Anyway what's with you lot and the Watchers you guys seemed to be at war for years but nothing had happened..?"
"Bad decisions..."
"Right... Too personal to talk about... Gotcha ya"
"Now head along... There's some here..."

My heart sunk deeper, his deep powerful voice shook the ground below him... Look to my direction, adding more fear to what was already there.

'Wait how can he hear me??'

"How do you know?"
"Listener's can hear things to a whisper..."
"So can I... But I can't hear anything"
"Their breathing heavily as if their anxious about something and it stopped as soon as I brought attention to them..."
"Well you are the Listener's boss so it makes sense you can hear more..."
"Yes, now go and do your job..."
"Yes sir..."

Then she walked away but the Listener stayed not going back through the portal he drew his full attention to me...

He was tall and had a stern expression to what I could tell... Half of his face was covered by wings either side of his head covering it.
He wore a dark green garment, that seemed to resemble the ancient Greeks.

His wings all six of them, two of which were located on his back, had a lime green to a deep sea green gradient.

Just above his head was a halo similar to his wings, but slightly different lime green on the outside and going to a deep sea green gradient.

He started to walk in my direction all I could think of doing was drinking a potion of invisibility and removing all of my armer before he got to me.

When he was just above me he lent down.

"I know your there... Just so you know if you keep your mouth shut you'll be safe..."

As he said that he stood straight again turned and walked back to the portal...

I got up and ran as fast as I could.


Once I had gotten back to Jimmy's Empire, I saw Jimmy stearing out of the window as if he's possessing something.

His breathing slowly got faster the shot forwards and let out a blood curdling scream...

He was having a panic attack...


I ran to his side, once I was beside him he was looking at his hand,

Annoyance, aggravate, disbelief and disappointment was written all over his face.

The inner side of his wings had a green gradient like the Listener I saw in the forest.

He's the Listener, but he's not like them... All I could think of was messing Fwip and ask him to get here and help.

As I did I hugged Jimmy and comforted him. And telling him that I'm here and the Fwip was ganna help.

He didn't move but as I held onto him he was shaking I placed my head on his shoulder, he was muttering under his breath 'I'm not one of them' or 'I don't wanna die' and he was repeating this quickly.

Whatever that girl was asked to do it had to be that bad...

I let go of Jimmy placed some food and water infrount of him on the table, in case he calms down while I leave the room.

I stood outside waiting for Fwip.


Fwip pov:

As I was looking at the survurs coding as I had nothing to do... Then Scott messaged me.


-Hay Fwip can you come to Jimmy's empire, he's having a panic attack.

Right on my way-

Right let's see what it's about and if so I'll call X over...


Once I got there Scott dragged me over to Jimmy. Once I saw him, I didn't know what to do he had this lime green patch on the inner side of his wings.

As I thought of it more I knew I had to call X...

"Right Scott I need ya just to step out momentarily and I'll call X over..."

As he left I asked X to come over...


"So what's the problem?"
"Found the listener... Can you do what needs to be done..?"
"Ofcourse you helped me with Gri, so it's only fair"

He did what I did, asked me to get things and showed me what to do.

"Is he OK?"
"Yep, and like I said yesterday he's a run away..."


After some time I was wondering if I should do something for the survur just so then we can get to know each other...

But then again that would be a good idea but... I'll have to talk to X and see what he thinks... As far as I'm aware afew of the hermits are hectic and that might not go well, but there's only one why to find out!

By doing it!


1039 words

Sorry this took longer to come out alot has been going on year 10 ain't fun...


Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

Bye ~♡

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