Part 3; A new empire

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Xisuma (Dadsuma) pov:

As I made sure everyone was here, I did a head count... Few of the Hermits laughed a bit...

"Your doing something a dad does..."
"A head count, Dadsuma!"
"...Teachers do it as well!"
"Yeah but how your doing it is a dad way!"

I looked over all of them... This is how I get treated, I make sure that we all have a great time and this is my payment? Outrageous!

I shook my head... 'atleast they're all here...'

"Right go on do whatever you want but, some of us needs to start the base!"

They all agreed,

Doc, Cub, Cleo, Ren, Jevin, Jeo and Tango stayed to help me get started with... Our Empire? Well what we're staying in atleast. And the rest went on an adventure or to gather materials. We are all starting from scratch again and it feels weird... But none the less we had to get something done. Even if its just big enough for us all. Though bed rooms wont be much of an issue as some of us are a cuple, and they don't mind sharing so it's a win win... But they need to do their rooms themselves, cause we ain't no slaves.

After awhile Scar had some how died with in the first 7 minutes of having his adventure...

"Don't ask..."
"It says that Imp had killed you, what did ypu do to make him mad?"
"Well Docm77... I'll tell ya all I was minding my own business and he accused me of doing something that I didn't and when I disagreed he got annoyed and killed meh"

I can imagine the Empire members doing all confused as we kill each other how often... And especially Scar his death count is at the point were he can brake the thousands... Even if its over exaggeration it's purely there is give some idea... How often this man dies...

After awhile everyone came back and I did a quick head count getting the same faces as before...

"Don't even start any of you..."
"Buut Dadsuma!"
"I said don't... I'd rather be able to know everyone's here and not somewhere else at the moment we need to stay by each others sides at all costs... Wait..."

Everyone who was originally laughing at Tortis's remark, fell silent. I took a deep breath...

"I'm tired I've been working on this with Doc, Cub, Cleo, Ren, Jevin, Jeo and Tango... So don't think I'm someone else, because we all get snappy and aggressive when we're tired soo, let's get some food and head to bed or something"

Even though everyone rolled their eyes they knew they couldn't argue with me, especially if I was tired... 'Dadsuma has alot of power...' I thought to myself looking at my hands... 'I'd better get something quick to eat or drink then get out of this suite and into my pj's and sleep... Why did that sound like I was an old man?? Oh well X get some food and head to bed, and make sure Evil X keeps his distance... I don't wanna deal with him'

Though it was annoying to deal with alot of shenanigans, but at the end of the day its better then nothing that's for sure.

Everyone had settled down but I couldn't though as much as I wanted to sleep I couldn't, soo I got up and got some water and a snack... 'God what time is it though..? 12 am... Grate, nothing like a midnight drink and snack...'

As I got to the kitchen which is large enough for all of us to fit in. Don was in there lost in thought.

"You alright mate..?"
"You made me jump!"
"Sorry, but ypu were lost in thought so yeah..."
"Right, well its that me, J, Tortis and G have been through alot and... Well G joind you lot and got to know you then me, J and Tortis comes out of nowhere and joins... I... I just feel... so out of... Place..."
"Well I can ensure that your not the only... I mean Gri came out of nowhere and he lended up one Hermit craft, and for the others they started of feeling like they're the odd one out. But ypu get over it in due time, and you'll feel like your at home..."
"Soo it's like moving houses, in some sort of way..?"
"Yeah. I mean, I might be the administrator of the survur I didn't create Hermitcraft I'm just carrying it on. It was a friend of mine survur, and I lended up getting the coding. I felt like I was out of place, I had the survurs coding and all so, think of it like we're all in the same boat and are trying to find a way out of it... But the only way out is to get and ask for help, when needed"

For some reason it really did feel like I am the dad of us Hermits, because of these lectures I give... 'Well I'll let them call me Dadsuma, if it makes them happy then I'm happy.'

"That's actually really comforting to hear that from one of the longest playing Hermits... And I'm guessing you've already realised how much ypu act like a dad?"
"Yep... And I'm happy as long as you all are... Right no more chit chat and head of to bed, there's ganna be alot tomorrow going on... So get some rest"
"K, night"

I headed to bed, happy to get all of that off of my shoulders and to make sure someone's happy and don't have to fell like a mess because of the negative voices that everyone gets when they start to doubt themselves... I'll hold onto my title of Dadsuma... And live up to it. But what ever happens now is going to be us till we depart for good... Now I need sleep now...


1000 words

Wow 1000 one the dot... Well take X's advice but also mine

Get something to eat and drink. Go outside for a bit. Don't let people tell you who you are. Get some sleep. Have a great day/afternoon/evening/night.

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