chapter 6

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They sat there for a while watching the sun go down, when Shinobu grabbed his hand holding it gently "I'm sorry for what you went through, but I promise I will be a better friend" she said, he lightly blushed before shaking the thought and nodded his head.

"thank you for being there" he said before leaning his head on her shoulder, now it was her time to blush "anytime, just please whenever you feel like you want to kill yourself, just talk to me, we all need you here" she said gently.

He smiled thinking she couldn't see but she did and boy did it make her heart flutter, her tummy have butterflies and her face turned a bright shade of pink.

~The butterfly estate~

They had gotten back to the butterfly estate and now giyu was in his room alone and shinobu was having problems trying to convince Sanemi that it would not be a good idea to visit giyu tomorrow but alas she couldn't do much.

~the next morning~

Giyu awoke from the sun shining through his window and onto his face he sat up, leaning against the headboard when there was a knock on the door "yes" he shouted, the door opened revealing the insect Hashira "hey" she say.

He nods in reply not really in the mood for talking "I came to ask if Sanemi could visit, he's been begging me ever since he found it, its fine if you don't want to" she says "no its fine he can visit" he replies.

She nods before walking out and then walking back in with Sanemi, silence corrupted them until shinobu walked out shutting the door "so why did you try to... you know" he asks "personal reasons" Giyu replies.

He's already told one person he's not looking to tell another "what personal reasons have you got, your life's fucking perfect" Sanemi says "like I said personal problems, its called personal for a reason" he says before getting out of bed.

He was fully dressed and even still had his shoes on as he didn't sleep much "don't get Assy with me dickhead" Sanemi says clearly annoyed, he walked over to the couch and sat down "how am I getting Assy you're the one who came in here with an attitude" giyu said.

He really couldn't be assed with Sanemi today, he was so tired of this day in and day out. "shut the fuck up maybe don't go trying to killing yourself for attention then" Sanemi says throwing his hands up In the air.

"how the fuck did I try to kill myself for attention" giyu replies giving him a death stare , even a dog has more common sense than Sanemi right now "you did, you're just a jackass who thinks your better than anyone else and thinks trying to kill himself is going to solve the fact that you walked out of a Hashira meeting on purpose" He replies.

"oh my fucking god, do you not get it already?, I am a human, I have feelings although I don't show them often, I have fucking feelings, everything around me felt like it was suffocating me, I didn't want to live. do you know how it feels to be called useless when you already think yourself as that, I know I'm useless that is one of the reasons I tried to kill myself and oh and don't forget the fact people died because of me" Giyu said very calmly standing up

"Stop trying to make people feel sorry for you" Sanemi said "and yeah people died because of you-" Sanemi started to say but was cut off "shut up. JUST SHUT UP" he snapped punching a wall "I don't fucking care what you say anymore, so get the fuck out before I make you" he stated.

"giyu-" he started "GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. BEFORE I MAKE YOU REGRET EVEN EXISISTING" he shouted and Sanemi legged it out the room, he heard distance screams and smashes.

he quickly made his way to Shinobu's office, entering without even knocking "Sanemi what the h-" she started "I fucked up. I fucked up big time" he said tears coming down his cheeks.

Words: 706

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