Chapter 4

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I woke up with the sun shining into my face. I got up and walked into the kitchen. Levi was already making breakfast. I looked at the clock that read 8:00am.

"Crap! I need to get to work," I say. I turn around and head for my room.
"(Y/n) you don't have work." Levi yells. "what?"
"I called and told them to give you a day off." he says. I walk back into the kitchen and sit down. "thanks." He placed a warm cup of coffee in front of me. I took a sip, surprised at Levi's coffee making skills. I watched him as he turned off the stove.

"I have to get to work. Lock the door and call me if you need anything." he says. I nod, and with that, he left. I locked the door behind him, standing there for a while. I sighed, and decided to give myself a tour of his giant apartment. It was almost the size of two normal houses, or at least I thought. I walked into his room, and looked around. It had huge glass windows, a king size bed, and a plasma screen TV. His room smelled of vanilla and sugar. 'hmm. smells good' I laid down on his bed, and turned on the TV. I looked at the nightstand to see a picture of Hanji, Levi, And Erwin. Levi didn't look happy at all. Hanji worked at the hospitals lab down town. That's all I really knew about her. I didn't want to snoop, but I was curious, so I opened the nightstand drawer. There was pills for insomnia, 'weird.' I thought... Glasses, 'I'd like to see him wear those' and a passport. I closed the drawer and left the room. I walked pass the room next to his bedroom which was the work out room. Then the bathroom, then... "what's in here?" I say, looking at the door. There was a little window that I peeked through. "A Frickin balcony!" I yelled. "woah." It was amazing. I looked over the edge at the city below. There was a small outdoor bar, and tables with chairs. "How does he afford this!?" I mutter. I turn around and walk back towards the door when I realized it was closed. "I didn't close that??" I turn the doorknob, but it wouldn't budge. I shake it frantically trying to get it to open.

"Call me if you need anything."

I pull my phone out of my back pocket, and turn it on. The screen went black, Then it flashed pictures of me. My eyes were black and I had horns.

"The bitch is back!" a demonic voice says
Through the phone. I drop my phone on the ground, rattling the doorknob even more.

"HELP!" I screamed. I heard the door slam inside. My heart was racing, beating out of my chest. I was having a panic attack. I heard movement inside of the apartment. My lungs felt empty. I saw a shadow appear around the corner. I felt the tears in my eyes run down my cheeks. Then I almost collapsed then and there. The figure was hooded. They were wearing nothing but black, and their face wasn't visible. I backed away from the door, the only noise coming from me, was my ragged breaths. I grabbed a bottle from the bar and backed up against the ledge. The person came up to the door, looking at me through the window. I watched in horror as the person pulled lipstick out of their pocket. They uncapped it, and started writing on the window.


The figure capped the lipstick and ran off. I collapsed to my knees, and started sobbing. The person who could have murderer Mina was right in front of me, and I stood there doing nothing. I was overwhelmed by a wave of emotions hitting me. I heard the door slam again, and "it" was gone. I slowly stood up with the bottle in hand, and walked towards the door. I slammed the bottle on the doorknob, and it shattered into pieces. I twisted the knob, but it was still locked. I took a sharp piece of glass and stuck it in the key hole. I twisted it around, and the door unlocked. I slowly opened the door, my heart still beating from my earlier encounter. I walked inside, my hands shaking. I ran to the front door, and quickly locked it. I leaned against it, and slowly fell to the floor. I took deeper breaths, trying to calm down. I stood up and grabbed a paper towel. I tried to wipe the lipstick off, only smudging it more. After a I got it off, I picked up the glass and grabbed my phone. I couldn't tell Levi, I didn't want to worry him. I slowly dialed the number, making sure to get the right numbers. I hit call and out the phone to my ear.



"Hello?" I heard an enthusiastic voice say.

"E-Eren... can I come over?" I said. My voice cracked when I said his name.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" He replied.

"N-nothing," I quickly reply.

"Are you su-"

"No Eren, nothings wrong."


Omg hello. I made sure to update this fast for you guys so it's a little shorter. This is taking a pll turn😂. I do not intend to copy A from pll. At all. Well, what do you think? I think reader-chan and Eren are like brother and sister. Or something more?... Wink wonk😉 jk jk. I was wondering if there is any pll fans out there. Lol. Sorry it's 12:00am and I'm tired and bleh. ok bye.

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