Chapter 7

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After breakfast, I was scrolling through Instagram. An ad popped up on my screen. It was a picture of Thomas, and someone else who I guessed was in his family. I looked at it for a while, before standing up and putting my dishes in the sink. Levi was at work, and he couldn't make it to the funeral. I used the stairs this time, and it took a while before I reached the garage. I unlocked my car and got in, brushing the invisible dust off of my black dress. I backed out of the parking spot and left the building.


It was an outdoor funeral. It was cloudy out, but still pretty warm. The funeral was located in the center of a garden, next to a large maze, and cemetery. It was a private area, and you had to have special permission to get in. I slowly walked towards the gathering area, and my eyes started to water as I saw his casket, ready to be lowered into the ground. A tall lady with brunette hair walked up to me.

"You must be (y/n). I'm Thomas's mother," she said. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her face plastered with a look of sadness.

"I am. It's very nice to meet you, and I'm very sorry about Thomas," I said through teary eyes.

"Thank you," she says, hugging me. I looked over her shoulder and saw a figure standing at the edge of the maze, looking at me. Their face was covered by a black veil. She pulled away from the hug, and looked down at me, smiling.

"We won't be starting for another twenty minutes. Feel free to explore the garden."

"Thank you," I respond. The figure was still looking in my direction. I slowly walked their way, and they turned and walked into the maze. I started walking faster and entered the maze. The person turned the corner ahead, and i quickly caught up with them. I caught a glimpse of there black clothing as they turned another corner. My face picked up to a jog. The bottom of my dress caught on a thorn and ripped. I turned around and grabbed the end of my dress, gently pulling it off of the thorn. I stood up and realized i was now standing in a small clearing with four different entrances back into the maze. I looked around and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I sat down on a bench and picked a rose next to me. I twirled it around in my fingers and a thorn pierced my thumb. I dropped the rose on the ground. I couldn't possibly go back to the funeral looking like this. Why did i even follow the figure? I stood up and wiped my dress with my one good hand. I heard someones footsteps behind me, and i quickly turned around. There was no one. Before I could react, A hand covered my mouth. My eyes widened and I slowly sank to the ground as the person behind me dragged me down. I heard gas being sprayed into the air and my vision started going blurry. The person slowly walked in front of me. It was the same person who entered the maze. They had a gas mask on. They kneeled down next to me and looked at me. I squeezed my eyes close and opened them again. They took the mask off and i could see a pale face. I must have been hallucinating. Because what i saw was an exact replica of myself. Her eyes were red and started to water. Her lips were dried and cracked leaving small slivers of blood. Her eyes started to cry out a red subtance. Blood. She looked at me and turned her head. My eyes widened as she reached out and put her hands against my face. My vision started to go blurry, and then everything went black.


So i went on Wheel Decide to decide who A is going to be for the first half of the book. Yes you heard me right. there is more than one murderers. Well... I hope you enjoyed. BYYYEEE

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