Story Time (Plus apology)

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Chloe P.O.V

As the rest of the class filed out for lunch, I turned to Marinette who was packing her books in her bag.

"So, when are we meeting up with the planning committee to help?" Felix spoke up. Marinette just swung her bag over her shoulder. "Now, we go there now. We only have two weeks to prepare before our final exams and I'm going to make sure it's fabulous."

I grinned mischievously as I thought of multiple ways to achieve Marinette's level of fabulousness.



Felix and I crashed on my couch the moment we got inside. We spent the entire afternoon designing and sharing ideas. Thankfully, Lie-la and her posse never showed up so it was easier to get things done without someone bitching every two minutes.

Why is he in my house you may ask, well, we offered to design the banner and he said he wanted to get started today.

"Princess..." Felix started. "Hm?"

"Before I joined Dupont... What was it like? Being constantly bullied and looked down upon by the people who you trusted the most."

I went silent which made him think he had crossed a line as he started to apologize furiously.

"No, no. You didn't say anything wrong. It's just a lot to think about, that's all." Felix sent me a concerned look but didn't seem to want to push further.

"Why are you so interested in that though? It's a thing of the past now." I probed.

"I know it is. I-i just wanted to know. Call it sheer curiosity, I guess. How about I tell you a secret of mine and you tell me what it was like, hm?"

One of his secrets?

If he's willing to give up one of his secrets it must mean he's really curious huh?

"Fine. I'll go first." I took in a deep breath, knowing I was about to dive deep into memories I would rather just keep buried.

"At first it started with just the seat change which didn't hurt all that much. Then the name-calling and slight shoves started. It mostly hurt when Alya or one of my closest friends did it.

The friends I thought would have my back no matter the situation were the first to switch sides as long as Lyla kept up her fancy stories and empty promises. Whenever I tried to call her out or defend myself, she would always play the victim card and it hurt when they'd choose to believe someone they barely knew over me who's been there their whole lives." Felix reached out to wipe a tear that ran down my face.

"You don't have to keep going, princess." He mumbled but I shook my head. "I-i never realized how much I needed to say something about this so let me just rant for a while, please Fe?"

He looked like he was about to protest but sighed and gave in. "Thank you. Anyway, slowly, I was isolated from the class. They would go to picnics or parties without inviting me saying they didn't trust me to not say anything hurtful to Lyla.

Then they just stopped speaking to me in general. Miss Boustie finally decided to do something about it and the first thing she told me was to man up and apologize to Lyla even if I didn't do anything. Telling me to set an example for them by being the bigger person.

Of course, I did want to apologize at first but then I remembered that this was Lyla we are talking about and I'd rather lick shit than apologized to that two-faced asshole." Fe let out a breathy chuckle.

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