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— EVELYN was helping out Kie at the wreck. It was at its most popular in the summer meaning the girls found they were constantly spending their time there.

Neither of them minded working there though, a lot of the time it was actually extremely fun.
Evelyn was on her break, sat at the table with a bowl of fries whilst Kie was serving food.

"Hey Pope!" Evelyn smiled as she say Pope walk through the door.
"Hey Ev, John B needs you guys. Is there any way you can leave work?" He asked.
"I mean it's died down a bit now so sure, Kiara's in the back right now but she'll be out in a minute and you can ask her." Evelyn took a bite from her fries as she spoke.
"Okay, John B and JJ are outside." Evelyn nodded, getting out of her seat and making her way out.

"Hey boys!" She called getting in the back of the van. "What's going on?" John B and JJ turned to look at her, slightly scared as they hadn't seen her come over.
"I'll explain later. Is Kie coming?" John B asked, noticing Evelyn was alone.
"Pope's speaking to her now." Evelyn shrugged. Just as she said that Pope appeared back outside, only, without Kiara.

"She's said she's not coming." He shouted leaning over the railing. John B sighed.
"Why not?" JJ asked confused, he threw his hand up at Pope as he spoke. "What'd you do to her John B." JJ turned to John B, as suspicious look on his face.
"Shit." John B sighed. He opened the van door, jumping out. "Hang on. I'll deal with it." And with that he was gone.

"What do you thinks going on?" Evelyn asked JJ as Pope hope in the back with her.
"I don't know, there's but some sort of sexual tension between them for ages now. It probably has something to do with that."
"Surely not, you know the rules. No pogue on pogue macking." Evelyn teased. JJ chuckled slightly before turning back in his seat, acting as though Evelyn had touched a nerve.

Evelyn looked at Pope, confused at JJ's reaction; all she earned from him was a shrug.

It was a little while before John B came out, Kiara following behind this time.
"So, are you going to explain?" Evelyn crossed her arms, shaking her head.
"Just wait." John B replied.

The sun was setting as they drove to a location, unknown by Evelyn. It was now dark out and the only light was coming from the van.

"You mind if I just relax on this one?" JJ asked, his voice slow and groggy. "It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuff's gone down." He examined the cigarette is his hand. "I'm just gonna lay low. Oh, did you want a hit of this?" He asked Pope.
"I keep the signal clear." Pope said putting his hand up the push the cigarette away. Evelyn reached out her hand signalling that she wanted a hit. JJ obliged passing her the cigarette.

JJ turned his attention back to Pope. "Do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative?" He pointed pointing his finger at Pope. "If you got creative then.." JJ paused as John B started speaking.

"Look, I know I was wrong about the lighthouse." He paused for a moment making sure he had everyone's attention. "And wrong about everything else going on. But I was right about one thing." He took another pause. "My dad is trying to tell me something."

"We trust you John B." Evelyn reassured him. She could tell he was getting himself worked up about the whole situation and that wasn't what he needed.

They had finally arrived at their location. It was now pitch black outside and they couldn't see a thing. None of them had any idea where they were still, except from John B.

He got into the back of the van, passing everyone flashlights. They all gave him looks of confusion, but were given nothing in response.

"Hey, come one." He called when he noticed the others were trailing behind him.
"I'm coming. This place is scary." Kiara did a little jog to catch up to John B. The others still followed closely behind. Evelyn was able to notice a couple objects in the distance, tombstones. John B had brought them to a grave you; she had no idea why though.

body language   - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now