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— Evelyn woke up the next morning and decided she wanted to help. John B's safety was more important than her bad mood right now.
She found the others all at the Wreck, where they must've slept.

"Hey guys." She said faintly, them all turning around. JJ made his way over, sliding his feet across the floor as he walked.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked, pulling her into a hug. She stayed in his comfort for a short while, feeling protected.
"I'm okay. I just want to help out as much as I can." Evelyn said and JJ nodded.
"John B will appreciate that."

Pope ended up riding off on JJ's bike, for a reason Evelyn wasn't sure of; and no one seemed to want to explain.

"I brought drinks." Evelyn said taking her bag off her back. "To calm the nerves." That wasn't the real reason, as she took the cans of beer out of her bag she thought back to the night before and the state she had found her mother in.
Realistically she had taken the drinks so her mom wouldn't get hold of them, but that wasn't a conversation she wanted to have with the others right now; she could barely process it herself.

She handed a can to JJ and another to Kiara, picking up a third one for herself. It was far too early to be drinking but none of them were concerned about that right now.
"Do you think this is going to work?" Evelyn asked, referring to John B's escape plan.
"We can only hope." Kiara said, JJ nodding. They were all just hopeful at the moment.

After grabbing food and arguing with Kiara's mom, the group finally set off. The closer it got to meeting John B, the more nervous Evelyn became. This wasn't going to be easy to pull off and Evelyn was fearful.

They stopped off at JJ's house so he could grab the keys. Evelyn could tell by his face that he didn't want to go in.
"JJ, let me do it for you." Evelyn offered, she watched his leg shake violently.
"No." JJ shook his head, turning in his seat to look at Evelyn. "I can't let you risk getting hurt." JJ said.

After a moment of silence, JJ made his way inside. Evelyn's heart hurt for him, he never had it easy with his dad.
Kiara and Evelyn sat in silence as they waited for JJ, the two both too anxious to say anything.

After a long while, JJ came back out the house and got into the car. Evelyn could notice that he was on the verge of tears, but he managed to pull it together in front of them.

"How'd it go?" Kiara asked as JJ settled in his seat. He lifted up his hand, showing the two the key dangling from his finger.
They both shot him a supportive smile, before driving off, ready to get the Phantom.

JJ opened the door to a massive warehouse type building, inside stood a boat and a bunch of other supplies.
The three heard the sounds of a motorbike engine coming from outside.
"Pope, finally!" Kiara called, jogging over to where the sound came from.

Except it wasn't Pope. Rafe appeared from behind the boat, stopping the three in their tracks.

"Hey. there. What's goin' on?" He asked, getting closer to them. Rafe hopped onto the boat as Barry appeared from behind the car. He pulled out a gun, aiming it at JJ.

"See, don't think I forgot about me and you on the side of the ride." Barry spat. JJ held his hands up, keeping an eye on Barry's gun. "I'm here because I want my motherfuckin' money." Barry got in JJ's face, raising his voice.

Barry pushed JJ to the floor, Evelyn jumped in trying to pull him off; only to be pulled away by Rafe. He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her off the ground.
"Let go of me!" She screamed, kicking him.
"Don't be like this Evelyn. Don't try and fight." He hissed, lifting her up higher.

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