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— "Anybody else starving? We need to grab some sort of breakfast." JJ groaned. The boat was making it through OBX.
"Of course you're only thinking about food." Evelyn teased, taking his hat and putting it on her head. He raised his hand trying to snatch it back but she put him away.

They pulled up to the dock, JJ reaching out his hand to help Evelyn off as the others made their way down the dock.
"Thank you." She smiled, taking a light step off the boat. He gave her a nod and a smirk.

Evelyn went off with Kiara and Sarah, in search of some food.
"Jackpot!" Kiara called, when Evelyn turned around she was holding a giant watermelon in her hand. Evelyn clapped and cheered as Kiara broke the watermelon in half.

She gave one half to Sarah and her and Evelyn shared the other; they sat on a log, emo noting their fruit.

"Okay, so you really got married?" Kiara asked Sarah, shoving her face with watermelon.
"It wasn't exactly legal." Sarah shrugged. "But yeah." She looked up at the two, giving them a huge grin.

"Am I crazy, or is there definitely something going on between you and Pope?" Sarah asked and Evelyn's face lit up.
"Thank you! I've been dying to talk about this!" Evelyn cheered, Kiara had told her nothing on the Pope situation and she was dying to know.
"Maybe." Kiara shrugged, smirking.

"That's not a no." Sarah raised her eyebrows.
"Kie you have got to give us some details, like come on." Evelyn sighed.
"Well why don't you tell us about JJ then Evelyn." Kiara teased. Evelyn went quiet and starting shoving her face with watermelon, causing the other two to laugh.

"There's always been something going on with you and JJ, Evelyn." Sarah said between bites. "I'm just surprised you haven't seen it." Evelyn looked up at her slightly confused, things with JJ only progressed recently, before that, there wasn't anything there.
Kiara turned to Evelyn, nodding in agreement with Sarah. She held her hand up to her mouth, swallowing her last bite before speaking.
"He's always been into you Evelyn, since you guys became friends. He's just been too much of a pussy to say anything." Kiara chuckled.

"No, you guys must be delusional. Did you see how much he hated me not that long ago?" Evelyn scoffed, shaking her head at them.
"Bitch. He was jealous, that you cared more about Rafe than him, he could never actually hate you." Kiara pointed out.
"Really? You think he was jealous?"
"100% Evelyn. I wasn't even there and I know for a fact he was jealous." Sarah chuckled.

After a brief conversation, the three went back to the boat to see the boys; bringing some more watermelons with them.
As they approached the boys went silent, clearly not wanting them to hear their coversation.

"Hi." Sarah beamed as she walked over to the boat. "What y'all talking about?" She asked.
"Uh. Fishing." John B said, staring out onto the water. Evelyn knew John B well enough to tell when he wasn't being truthful.

"Dropping lures." JJ looked up at them, giving them a charming smile. "That's, that. You know?"
"Okay." Sarah said, shaking her head in a confused way.

"Need help?" JJ asked, taking the watermelon out of Evelyn's hand.
"Thanks." She replied, stepping onto the boat and taking a seat next to him. Seeing him made her think back to what Sarah and Kiara had said.
Had there really always been something between them? Was he really jealous of Rafe?

They all sat for a moment, eating. The four filled John B and Sarah on everything that had happened whilst they were gone.
Evelyn enjoyed their company, and she was so glad that they were back. It had been so difficult thinking they were dead, and finally seeing them in person brought that weight off her shoulders.

body language   - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now