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      — EVELYN jumped as a continuous knock could be heard at her window, she sighed once she realised what it was; she got out of bed and headed towards her window, seeing JJ one the other side.

     She slid open the window, moving out of the way to let him climb inside.
    "What are you doing here?" She asked as she closed the window behind him, pushing herself up onto her windowsill to sit down.
    "Look, I wanted to apologise for the other day, I realised I never said I was sorry. I was just freaking out, okay?" JJ started, pacing around her room as he spoke.

     "JJ, it's fi-" Evelyn tried to say before being cut off. JJ put his finger up at her, and she stopped speaking.
   "No it's not fine, what I said wasn't fair. You didn't deserve that. I just, God I don't know; I guess I just keep trying to push myself away from you." He sat on the edge of her bed, his head in his hands.

    "Why are you pushing yourself away?" She asked, swinging her legs as she sat.
    "I'm scared I'll get too close and mess everything up. That no pogue on pogue macking rule is there for a reason, you know?" JJ was speaking far too fast for Evelyn to understand him.

    "JJ, what are you saying?" She asked, JJ stood back up again, pacing back and forth for a moment before he was able to respond.
    "I'm scared we'll take this too far, Ev. We'll get to invested and it just won't work, and then when it doesn't work it'll tear the group apart; and that's not what we need right now, we all need to stick together to help John B."

    Evelyn didn't quite know what to say to this.
   "JJ, I-" she paused, unsure on how to respond. She made her way over to him, grabbing his shoulder to get him to stand still.
   "Do you really think it wouldn't work?" She asked him, not quite sure if she wanted to know the answer.

    "I don't know, I mean you never know do you?" He sighed. "No that sounds wrong. I want it work, of course I want it to work but we have so much to risk, is it really a good idea?" He avoided making eye contact with her, knowing this conversation was difficult for the two.

     "I don't like all this talk about it not working, you're not one to worry Mr. Maybank, what's changed?" She smirked.
   "This is different Evelyn, you're different." He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer.

    "Look, I think we should just let things play out; not rush it. I don't really know what I want right now JJ and I'm not going to hurt you in the process, things are also just too crazy right now to be making a decision like this."

"No, you're right. This is an important decision, I don't want to do the wrong thing." JJ took his hat off, gripping it in his hand.
Evelyn nodded, it hurt to not come to a decision but she knew it was for the best right now.

    "Listen, I would love to stay. But I've got to go see John B." She frowned at him, not wanting him to leave.
   "Are you sure this plan will work?" She asked, squinting her eyes as she looked at him.
   "I don't know, but it's worth a shot, isn't it?" made his way to the window, pulling it open.
   "Good luck!" She called as he climbed through, he turned around, waving a quick goodbye before heading out of the house.

    Kie arrived not long after JJ left, knocking on the front door. Evelyn rushed to the door, making sure she was the one to answer it.
    "Hey kie!" Her smile quickly faded as she saw Kiara's teary face. "Are you okay?" She asked as she moved out of the way of the door to let Kie in.
    "My parents kicked me out." She shrugged, wiping her eyes.
   "What the hell, come here." Evelyn pulled her in for a hug, pulling Kie close until she was ready to pull away.

     The two headed up to Evelyn's room and Kiara explained everything to her.
   "That's so messed up Kie, oh my God." Evelyn placed a hand on Kiara's knee.
   "Well, it's just what their like, isn't it?" She sniffled, shrugging.

body language   - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now