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— THEY finally arrived in Charleston, now making their way to the address they were given.
"Guy's i've read this thing like a thousand times. It makes no sense." Kiara said, scratching the back of her head. "I mean, the Limbreys own, like, half of Charleston. What do the kook kings of Charleston know about a murder on Kildare Island."

Kiara had a point, Evelyn felt very strange about this whole situation. Something about it just didn't feel right. How would this random person they knew nothing about, know how to clear John B's name?

"Why you Specifically? That's the other creepy thing." JJ said, turning his head to look at Pope.
"Please come alone. That's hella sus." Kiara laughed as she read over the letter.
"Whoever this is, sounds like a weirdo." Evelyn said, adjusting on JJ's laps to get comfy.

Steam starting shooting out from the front of the car. Pope cursed, taking his foot off the gas to stop the car.
"That's a lot of smoke, even for your dad's truck." Kiara laughed. JJ began to cough.
"Pope, I got sensitive lungs, man!" He shouted.

"Oh yeah, of course you do." Evelyn laughed, rolling her eyes. "It's not like you're not smoking 24/7." Pope pulled over, getting out the car to investigate the smoke.

"It's gonna blow up." Kiara gasped, quickly trying to get out of the car.
"It's not gonna blow up." JJ responded, his hands around Evelyn's waist as he helped her get out of the car. "You probably unhooked the radiator Pope." JJ said, sounding disappointed.

     Evelyn stood away from the truck once she got out, trying not the breathe in the smoke.
      "You probably wanna reschedule your meeting tonight." JJ said to Pope once they figured out the issue.

    "Um, plan B we could take public transport, we could hitchhike. We could rent bikes." Kiara started listing off different suggestions, counting on her fingers as she did.
    "My dads gonna kill me." Pope sighed.
    "Yeah, he might. He might." JJ nodded.

     The group managed to find a garage, not far from where they were. Pope took the truck in, hoping they would be able to fix it.
     Evelyn sat away from the group, leaning her head back and watching the stars. JJ made his way over, sitting next to her.

      "You good?" He asked, grabbing her attention. She looked down from the sky and towards him, giving him a nod. "Look, I'm sorry. I overreacted last night, it's just all so weird right now and I don't know.." Evelyn cut him off, placing a hand on his thigh.
     "Don't worry, I get it. I barely know what's going on myself." Evelyn laughed. "I've been going quite insane to be honest. Like watching you ex murder someone whilst your best friend gets the blame for it and then thinking they died but suddenly their alive and then there's this weird energy between us." Evelyn took a deep breath.

      "God it's all been strange. Definitely not how I expected summer to go." Evelyn sighed, JJ nodded in agreement, looking away for a moment. He turned his attention back to her, grabbing her hand and interlocking their fingers.
     "Things are going to work themselves out Ev. I promise you." He gave her a warm smile, reassuring her.

    She returned the smile before resting her head on his shoulder, taking a well deserved break.
    Pope and Kiara went inside to settle the payment, leaving JJ and Evelyn on their own.

    JJ turned sideways slightly, lifting us his hand and placing it on Evelyn's chin. She lifted her head up as he did, catching his gaze.
     He held her chin up, just staring at her for a moment. He slowly started to lean in, pausing slightly; finally, his lips met hers. Evelyn placed both her hands on his thighs, leaning in also.

     When JJ pulled away, he didn't break eye contact. Evelyn looked up at him, her mouth slightly open still.
    "What was that for?" She asked, her voice soft.
   "Just felt right." JJ shrugged, quoting Evelyn. This forced her to let out a laugh, with JJ reciprocated.

body language   - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now