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I heard noise coming from the ice as I headed there with my gear on. Coach was already there, standing on the edge of the bench watching. Wren was sitting down watching himself. I sat down beside him and watched Valerie on ice. She was always so picture perfect. She trained so hard to be where she is today. All without the help and support of her parents. I took in a deep breath seeing what she is wearing. It's a matching set of army green Nike gear.

I didn't miss her intentions on the launch. I knew what color green she chose. She did: army green, navy, white, and golden yellow-- almost khaki like. She also did a red set, but I think that was because of her tie in with the USA team. The others I noted were picked based off of her connections. It felt like she was trying to communicate with me. Show me that she still knows the source of my pain. Of my hunger to win.

My father. I unclenched my fists and watched Val fly into the air with the help of her brother, Gordie. I hear coach let out a swear and I knew he was still trying to figure out how she does it. How she leaps into the air unphased and comes back down on a high. Her face glowed as she talked with Gordie and I internally kicked myself for wanting to cup her face in my hands. And to hold her close as she's just out there in her bra. I could fricken see her nipples for crying out loud.

She went up into the air again, but this time she tried to rotate. When she landed, she fell on her ass. Wren jumped up, concerned and I looked him over. Did he like Valerie? Did he find her hot? Does he want to get in her pants?

When Brock came onto the ice with the rest of the freshman and sophomores, I grumbled in annoyance. Somehow the fucker has half the team in his good graces. I still want to know why he transferred. Why he is here on my team. Coach never said much, but we could tell that he was babying Brock a bit.

For fuck's sake. This guy leaves all his records with U of M and comes here and Coach treats him differently. That's fucking annoying as shit. I got onto the ice and focused hard during practice. I want to make Captain this year so fucking bad. Coach always waits until the first game of the season, naming us right before we go out onto the ice.

"Okay, I want to do a mock game. On the home team side I want..." Coach listed off three defensive lines and they made it to the home bench. Then he listed off two full lines, including mine. I followed my group of players to the bench and coach sent two Freshman our way as well. The assistant coach took his spot in front of us, telling us our gameplan.

On the other side is Brock and the rest of the team. Wren is on that side as well. I know coach wants to see me get past Wren. And Ben is in that goal as well. I do have Lucas and Adrian on my side though.

Our assistant coach wanted us to play the way we played all throughout last year. It was then I learned that the majority of the guys on the other side were the new comers. All the freshman, sophomores and a few juniors were on that side. We had mostly juniors and seniors, with two new freshman. The freshman would be our inter changers when one of us needed off, but for the most part, we were playing a 20 minute period. No whistles. The only penalties are the ones the trainers and assistant coaches write down next to our name.

The more you get penalty minutes, the less likely you are to make captain.

I started on the ice with the faceoff against a sophomore. He looked up at me and I winked at him. "Good luck." My faceoff percentage is near perfect. I'm not going to let some kid come in here and take my mojo.

My team was leading the charge for most of the period. We had made two goals to the other teams one. Most importantly, we had the puck the most. Then coach put Brock on the ice. He came up behind me and stole the puck. I turned around on the ice and followed him and shoved him into the boards. Was it the best idea? No. But it sure felt good, smashing him against it.

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