Seventeen | Reilly

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Brock skated up to me after practice and tapped me on the helmet. "Hey, can we talk later tonight. Either at the house or on the ice."

Wren snorted and stood up from the bench. "This seems serious, I'm out of here." I looked over to Brock and nodded.

"What's it about?"

"Val." I sighed and stood up. We walked into the locker room and I immediately changed. "I told her not to reach out to you, and to wait for you to go to her. I think a lot of our brotherhood issues starts with Val and everything that went down that night."

"I'm not talking about this right now. It's.. it's too much." I spit out and packed up my back.

"I know." He sighed and I stalled and looked over to him. He had his hands on his face. I sat back down on my seat and knocked his foot with mine.

"Why do you feel like we need to talk about this?"

"I just, I want us to clear up the past, and come to terms with everything. I think we need to be in sync the rest of the season and I still feel something looming over us. I also have questions about..." he shook his head and stood up.

"About what?" I sat back and looked to him. "Let'g get into some of it now. Maybe we can work it through the night and touchbase in the morning."

"I guess I have questions about how you and Katherine got together." I squinted at him, trying to suss out his motive. "I guess I just, it's weird for me to see you two together. She looks like someone going after you primarily for hockey. But if you genuinely like her, then I'll be more open to hanging out with you and her." I blinked and realized that all Brock was looking at was trying to hang out with me. And Katherine if it happened.

I shrugged in response and he pressed his lips together. He's starting to get some hair on his face. "Katherine and I? It's wonky. I'm not like in love with her or... like if she wanted to go fuck other people I'd let her go to do that. She's currently obsessed with my ass though, so I entertain it." Brock nodded with his brows furrowed, deep in thought.

"Okay. So do you enjoy her company?" I gave a half shrug and Brock rolled his eyes. "Are you toying with her or is she just so far up your stank ass she can't see what I see?"

"You smell worse than me, asshole." He let out a laugh and I stood up walking out with him. "It just happened. I just haven't given her a reason to leave. I keep entertaining it."

"But if you did end it, it would be easy for you?" I blinked at Brock who led us out of the rink.


"Because of Val, Reilly. I mean is it that oblivious to you?"

"I'm not oblivious that she's here, I just figured you were asking as a brother wanting to hang with me and her. Maybe do double dates. Not that you're doing the dirty work for Val." I could feel myself heat in anger. I twitched my fingers to release some stress.

"I'm not doing any dirty work. I guess I'm just shocked that you're still with Katherine?"

"Why? Why is that so shocking." I threw the stuff in the back of my truck and looked over to Brock. He drove himself today.

"Because of Val! Reilly seriously? You going to look at me and tell me you don't have feelings for her anymore?"

"Why would you care? Are you sure you two never did anything?"

"Are you shitting my fucking dick right now?" Brock raised his voice and let out a scoff of a laugh. "And we're back to this? We kissed once. Drunk. It was the most awkward thing of both of our lives. She's my sister. Family."

Strawberry | Hockey Rivalry 1 [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz