Twenty Five | Reilly

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I nervously shifted on my feet and made sure my shirt wasn't crinkled or getting folded into itself. Valerie is supposed to be out of her final soon. She told me she loved me Friday. Today is Wednesday. I held off so we could both have my finale. She deserves it. Even when I got that message I wanted to run across the state to see her. Well not the state, she lives twenty minutes away, but I stood my ground.

Brock slapped my arm and nodded towards the building. Her hair is pulled up and she has on a skin tight Michigan State Hockey shirt with a pair of leggings. She looked around until she saw me standing on a bench, my arms wide so she could see the shirt. Her cheeks turned pink as she read the shirt and looked around. She came over to us and pulled me down from the bench, a smile over her face. "Reilly what.." she let out a breath of a laugh reading my shirt. Some guys walked by and hooted at us. "What are you wearing? You seriously got this made?"

My shirt says: I belong to Valerie Wilson soon to be Gold.

"Yes I did." I smiled down at her and she tilted her head up to see me, squinting in the sunlight.

She placed her hands at the base of my neck and brought my lips to hers. I let her lead the kiss and focused more on pulling her body into mine. Brock cleared his throat, loudly, and we pulled away. Valerie looked over to him, a blush on her face. "Hi Brock."

"Mhm, hey Val. Happy for you both." He bent down and picked up the basket and handed it to me. "Picnic time. Behave in public. If you can't do the public, reminder I'm keeping the apartment clear until nine pm, we have a game to watch." I nodded and saluted him as he left. He flipped me off but winked to Valerie. She breathlessly looked up to me and pointed to the basket.

"Is this the finale?"

"Having an intimate picnic over going to a restaurant where everyone can see us? Yes." My smile was so big it was starting to hurt my cheeks. Valerie smiled up at me and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Let's go to your apartment then, I don't know if I can keep my hands off you enough. PDA was so high school." I let out a laugh and noticed the silver on her neck. I stopped her and traced my fingers over it.

"This looks good on you. I wasn't sure if I should do gold or silver. The guy even mentioned rose gold."

"I like silver, it's great. You look good with gold, Goldy." I smiled down at her and led the way to my truck with my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into me. She placed her hand in my jean ass pocket and squeezed. "Your ass is unreal too." I let out a hearty laugh, while she let out cute little breathless giggles. My heart feels so overcome with emotion I don't know how to act.

As we got in the truck I reached across the console and picked up her hand. "I'm happy right now."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No I guess not." I looked over at her and she is already looking at me. She's curled up on my seat, angled towards the driver's seat.

"Good. I enjoy seeing you like this. All giddy." When we got back to the apartment we went to my room. Val got a blanket and laid on my floor, alongside my bed. We used the bed as a backrest and I took out the picnic food. Simple things really. She opened up the grape container and began eating some. "I can't wait for us to start a new, Reilly."

"Me either," I pulled her chin towards me and pressed my lips to hers. She smiled into the kiss and pulled back winking. "I love you so much, Val. I... being here, having you beside me is really getting to me how much I missed you the past few years. You make everything seem better."

"Okay, now you're getting really corny. Did you read stuff online?"

"I mean I did read one guidebook online," I looked away and felt my face heat up. I was looking at the best ways to go down on a women and read some interesting articles. I want to make sure that I'm learning ways to pleasure Val. After Boston, I felt a little self conscious of how much she knew compared to me. Blake did help her which might have kicked in my self inquiry. "I just, I want to please you and I guess I got stuck down a rabbit hole online and read some super corny things."

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