Eighteen | Valerie

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Watching the game today was hard. Grayson was trying to be helpful, but he also noticed the stares from the girls. Malorie had no tolerance for it, but she was working tonight. The looks Katherine kept giving me were pushing me over the edge, so I'm thankful she isn't here tonight. Tonight it is just Kayla and Sky. "They are next level mean girls, aren't they?" I sighed and nodded. Grayson grunted and blatantly stared at them. After he waved they turned around. Brock and Reilly both got goals tonight. It was existing to see them on fire. I could sense the tension from them this week while Wren and I finished wrapping up our project. However, on the ice they look like they are jelling. Reading plays simultaneously and knowing where the other is going to be.

During the second intermission I was in the bathroom, when I heard Kayla and Sky talking. "I wonder why she even comes to these."

"I know! Does she think she's going to steal Reilly from Katherine? Everyone knows that they're endgame."

"You think so?"

"Mhm, you don't live with us, but Katherine is always screaming up in that bedroom. This Valerica America girl? High school relationship, which means boring sex."

"I thought Katherine said that --"

"She screams all the time, Kayla." I closed my eyes tightly trying to drown out their conversation. It's bad that I'm already dressed and just sitting on the public toilet, let alone hiding in a stall until they leave. "After her night class, she's going to go to his place in her crop top and leather pants and seduce him." I peeked through the edge of the door, wondering how much longer they'll be. Kayla adjusted her boobs and Sky was applying lip gloss.

"Well, do you think I have a shot with her brother Gordie? He's so fucking hot and I'd love for him to rail me." I internally gagged and put my head in my hands. "I just don't understand why she doesn't get the hint? Like Reilly isn't anything special. He's going pro and that's about the only thing he has going for him."

Okay, that pisses me off. Reilly has so much going for him and a majority of it has nothing to do with him hopefully getting drafted this year to the NHL team Minnesota Blizzards. I bit my lip in irritation and felt a hot tear roll down my cheek. "Also, who likes red heads? And isn't she adopted?" The final two were asked as they left the bathrooms and I let out a breath of relief. Those weren't even good comebacks or jabs.

When I got back to Grayson, he could tell something was off, but I just focused on the game. After the game, more people joined the three person dinner we had going. Grayson ended up staying back at the rink to stretch and touch base with our trainer Mitchell. I texted Blake asking if he was up to record us tonight. We have seven days until we fly out and the nerves are starting to get to me. I noticed when Blake arrived, that Reilly got irritated. I could tell in the way his jaw was shut tightly and his fists coiled up. But then Katherine showed up and all I wanted to do was leave. I bid Brock and Wren goodbye and Blake drove me back to the rink.

"My routines should be good, but I'm going to do them both and confirm they are perfect. Then Grayson and I are going to nail our quintuple."

"Even if it's 4.5 tonight, I'm happy." Grayson said slinging his arm over my shoulders. "We still have a week to nail it."

"And only a week until we are at the opening ceremony of the Olympics." Grayson rolled his eyes at me and gave me a smile.

"We fucking got this. You got me here, remember?" I blew out a breath as Grayson sat on the bench. Blake waved the camera and kissed my forehead.

"Alright. I'm filming you. Let's do this."


The past week has been filled with intense training. We are set to leave soon and I'm pacing in the hotel lobby in my Olympic flying suit. They're going to do some sort of travel vlog as we all drive the hour and a half to the airport. Then we're all heading to DC to mee the president before flying out early tomorrow morning. I shook my arms from nerves, my white jumpsuit with red and navy embellishments making me blend in with everyone else. Grayson walked up to me and chuckled.

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