Seven | Reilly

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 I woke up in a piss poor mood. Katherine ended up sending me a string of texts last night but I didn't respond to any. Brock was on fucking drugs last night. We could get fucked as a team for that. Brock shouldn't be on our team. Period.

"What has your knickers in a twist today?" Adrian said. I was banging my way through the kitchen.

"Nothing." I ground out focusing on my cereal. I want to make captain this year, and I'm not sure if walking up to coach asking him about Brock is going to strengthen my odds or harm them.

"Heard you saw Brock high last night." Ben jumped in. I turned around and saw Wren focusing on me. On my reaction. These fucking guys are so curious about Brock and I.

"Yeah. I'm wondering if I should go talk to coach." The guys were silent and I looked over them. "What? Do you have an opinion?"

"He's a fucking good player, Goldy. We can benefit from his gameplay this year." I frowned and stared down at my cereal.

"I just want to know why he switched from U of M to here."

"Maybe it has to do with Jaxon. That prick was handsy with Val last night." I gripped my spoon tightly remembering multiple things last night. Brock openly admitted to sleeping with someone else. Like it was an everyday occurrence and Val just shook it off.

"Really?" Adrian said putting his orange juice glass down. "Actually, I don't put it past him. He looks like a slimy guy."

Wren looked off put and it took everything in me to not look at him. I know he's suspicious. Val didn't tell him our story. Does she expect me to do it? I shoveled more cereal into my mouth and finished. "I'm going to ask coach about why he switched. Harmless conversation. It'll cure my own curiosity." I jogged up the stairs and changed for class before leaving the house.

I drove over to the rink where the coaches hang out after our morning practice. We left about an hour and a half ago, but they would still be here. I walked over to Coach's office and knocked. "Yeah." He chirped out. I walked into his office and stood tall. Coach Wilson has always been a man to instill fear in me. He looked me over and sat back in his chair. "I was wondering how long it would take for you to cave." I blinked at him in confusion and he shook his head with a smile. "I'm assuming you're here to ask about Brock, and why he's here? Val wasn't entirely forthcoming with details, but I know you three have history. I recruited both you and Brock once upon a time Reilly. I wanted the package deal." I sighed and toned down my anger. Brock and I were thrilled to know that a coach wanted us both rather than one of us. Coach said he didn't want to split us up. He ranted one day about the way we just internally know the other's moves.

Well that was in the past. Or was it? I do miss working with Brock on the same line. "Um, yeah. I guess... I guess I was just wondering why he's here? He was making great headway at U of M and now he's here? I'm struggling with that coach."

"Mhm. I figured you would. But I also know that this is a personal issue you have to deal out. You have to talk to the guy, Gold. You can't just come here and think I'll give you the information you want." I nodded and looked around his room. So Coach knew I'd come asking and was waiting to shut me down.

I was stupid. There is no way Coach would tell me why he brought Brock here. It was the plan from the beginning. Me and Brock. Brock and I. The dream line. We were the fucking champions. "I get it."

"Do you? I don't think you're making headway. Sometime this season Gold, I want you and him on the same line. A well oiled machine. I don't know what it will take to get you there, but get there. All you need to know about Brock was that he needed a lifeline. He was supposed to be here, it was the one little branch I could offer." I didn't know what he meant by that entirely, but Brock must have done some shit to end up here.

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