Sixteen | Valerie

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As Wren and I walked out of the classroom we high-fived. I took the paper from his grip and smiled at the A staring back at us. We NAILED our presentation of the Wedding Venue. I loved everything about what we presented. It's put together so well, maybe I'll ditch the Olympics and just become this person. "When do you have ice time? Want to head back to the house and start the next write up?"

"My ice time is after your practice tonight, so yeah we can, I know we have to get some of these done soon and the earlier the better as I'm leaving for the Olympics here."

"Yes you are, come on." When we got back to their house, I made my way to Brock's room. It's weird to know he's here now. He moved in after Reilly and him came back from Thanksgiving. When I walked in Brock and Reilly were playing NHL on their gamestation. I laid on the bed behind Brock and waited for Wren to come in. I'd assume he knew I'd come in here.

Brock patted my calf in greeting and I ruffled his hair. I pulled my phone out and internally groaned seeing my photos again on the team USA page. The entire group is going to hate me. They deserve fame and the highlight as well. Wren came into the room with a chair and sat down next to the bed. The boys greeted him and I saw Reilly's eyes shift over to me. I tucked my hair behind my ears and sat up to work with Wren. We have about an hour and a half before the boys need to leave for practice.

Christmas is coming up and Grayson and I are not even close to nailing the quintuple I have in mind. I can feel the sweat pour out of every pore in my body. I lean over the boards and take in a deep breath. "Hey, take it one session at a time, we'll get there." I turned my head and looked at Grayson.

"I know. It's just that I have to split my time with you by also perfecting my solo routines."

"And while you do that, I'm resting and blocking out the routines for us." He took a gulp of water and smiled at me. His jet black hair is sticking to his forehead. "I promise you, when we leave this routine will be everything you desire and when we arrive at the Olympics, we'll perfect it to your hearts desire." I don't have it in me to tell him it probably will never get that way. My perfectionist self is very concerned about my performance at the Olympics.

When I got back to my apartment I started a bath for myself. I sank down into the hot water and sighed at the instant relief it gave to some of my body. I sank deep into the tub and thought about my gifts. I have one for dad, mom and Grayson. I have an idea of what to get Brock, but I haven't been able to find it in any of the stores I go to. I got one for Malorie and Grayson as well. I even got Roxy and Mitchell something.

The door opened and I blinked thinking Malorie was waltzing in here. Instead it was Blake with a sly smile on his face. "Hey," I blushed as he could see my naked self in the tub as the bubbles are disappearing.

"Um, hi?"

"You didn't answer my text about coming over, so I figured you were exhausted from today." He sat down on the toilet and looked to me. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Yeah, I got eight hours on the ice today and I managed to go to two classes." Blake shook his head at me and his eyes trailed the length of my body in the tub. When his found mine I rolled them. "Would you quit being a perv?"

"Never. You're gorgeous." I sighed and sank deeper into the water. It's getting cold now.

"What are your plans for Christmas? Do you head home to Mass or?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving in two days. I'll be back mid week in January. We got practices to be at, but coach is giving me leeway with my dad's birthday on the third." I nodded and turned my head to him.

"That's nice of your coach."

"Mhm. He's sometimes nice like that. It's mostly because it's not the actual season."

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