Fifteen | Reilly

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"It's been busy this semester." I looked across the table to Katherine who was frowning at me. She tracked down Brock and I at the cafe. "These past couple weeks have been filled with away games, training, practice and studying for finals."

"We barely talk anymore. You don't come to the parties." She pouted and I looked from her to Brock. He was intently typing on his laptop. I sighed and closed my textbook.

"Katherine, I've been swamped."

"I just think you can make time for us. I can come by later tonight for you?" I blinked at her but shook my head.

"We're leaving tomorrow morning early to make our game. It's the last one before the holiday break. Then I'm heading back to Colorado to spend it with my mom." She shook her head with disappointment before leaving. I looked over to Brock who was still typing.

"What are you going for Thanksgiving?" He looked up at me and sat back in his seat. "Are you heading back to Colorado?"

He shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. "Not sure. I really.. I fucking don't want to go after what happened at alumni weekend. I mean my moms a mess and I'd like to talk to her, but I can't fucking stand that prick." He tapped his fingers on the table. "Val invited me to her house. I'm not sure what I'll do."

"We could suffer in Colorado together." Brock looked up to me with a smirk. "God knows I'd rather not go back."

"How are things between you and your mom anyway?" I stopped writing my notes and leveled a look with Brock.

"I... I don't know really. I haven't really wanted to hear her side of the story. It all just.. I never wanted to hear it."

"Hmm, that's interesting. You were always close with your mom. It was good to see her the other week. She mentioned that she starting reading and critiquing again. Sometimes I forget how famous she is in the book world," I chuckled at that and shook my head.

My mom does book critiques and she has gained such a presence, book companies send her their books to review in hope that it will boost their sales. "It's hard to think about." Brock took in a breath and nodded.

"I know. You might think I don't know, but you forget that I lived your life with you." I looked to Brock and let out a breath.

"She isn't going to tell me anything I don't already know."

"Giving her the option to explain, might be the fresh start you both need." I shrugged and went back to taking notes. I'm not sure how Thanksgiving will go this year, all I know is that my mom now knows about Katherine. I'm sure she'll try to pry about that and Valerie.

"I think that when we get back from the holiday and when we head out to play the other fucking team, we should be on the same line." Brock looked to me with his eyebrows raised.

"Really?" I nodded with a shrug and he let out a laugh. "Fucking finally. I was wondering when you were going to come to me and beg."

"Did that seem like fucking begging to you Goldy?"

"Absolutely did. You had these puppy dog eyes," he dodged my pen, "and you looked at me like I might say no." I flipped him off and he chuckled. "I think we'll be fucking unstoppable. Let's talk to coach."


I've been at my mom's house for Thanksgiving for about a day. Brock is here with me and he's doing most of the talking. I've been seeing his looks to ask her side of the story but I just don't know. We finished eating and we're about ready for pie. Brock hasn't gone over to his childhood home. I'm not sure he is going to go over at all. I looked over to the fire mantel where my fathers photo is. The american flag is folded and in its triangle case. Tapping my fingers on the table got the attention of my mom and Brock. She came over from the living room and began to cut up the pie.

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