Twenty | Valerie

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I plopped myself into the passenger seat beside Grayson and let out a breath. The past month has been crazy. Once I was back in the states, I was able to log into school work and submit work in the airports. I won silver for my solos' and I got Grayson his Gold. I was more proud of helping Grayson achieve that, than I was about me landing my quintuple. There are forty two articles out that have my name in them from the Olympics, I've done three live shows in California, four radio broadcasts and one podcast. I have a few more set up in New York for later next week-- one including dad and Gordie. Another one includes Grayson.

Roxy has me set up for about... fifty interviews. On top of that, the semester finals are coming up and I need to study AND my dad made it to the frozen four if he wins the game tomorrow night. Brock and Reilly are going to the frozen four. "We made it back."

"Yeah and this time my promotional well.. OUR promotional is to do the national anthem at the game tomorrow." I sank into my seat and pulled my legs up.

"I think we'll have fun."

"There's so much Grayson. So many." He reached over the console in his Toyota and I took his hand. "I don't regret or hate skating. I'm not saying that. I just wish... I have so much going on right now. School, Olympic promo, social life, resting my muscles... being perfect as Roland would say."

"It's a lot. I get you. I see you. I feel your pain. I don't have as nearly as many interviews to do as you, but from what I'm witnessing, it's been heavy for you. All the same content."

"That's what I think is getting annoying and irritating. It's just the same question over and over." It's close to the end of March. I've been here and back on the road again from traveling. I don't think I've been in Michigan longer than 48 hours. I sighed and leaned my head on the window. Eventually Grayson arrived at my dads house. I need to discuss our travels with him before I leave. Gordie is off with the USA team doing promo in Seattle. They won Silver, just behind Canada this year.

"Thank you for dropping me off Grayson. I'll see you at the rink tomorrow."

"You got it." I walked up to the house, not registering all the cars. I'm downright exhausted. Walking into the house I blinked at the group of hockey boys. Apparently dad's hosting a bonding night. I made my way through the house and to the kitchen in search of him. I waved to a few players who greeted me and smiled at my mom who was pouring herself a glass of wine.

"Oh you're home!" I chuckled and walked into her open arms, relaxing in the comfort.

"Yeah. Grayson and I landed a little bit ago." She pulled back and smiled at me.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you since you left for the games."

I shrugged and took a pepperoni from the meat tray. "Been busy with interviews."

"I've seen a few! You look good in them."

"Thank you," I grabbed another piece and smiled in greeting when Wren walked in from the porch.

"Hey! You made it back in one piece." I rolled my eyes at him. "I think our presentation went well, our grade should be out soon."

"Wait, you've been back? And haven't come to see your mom?" I sheepishly looked from Wren, who outed me and to my mom.

"Yeah. I've been able to come back for a day or two at a time. I usually meet up with Wren and attend class. We had a presentation last week I didn't want to miss."

"Woah! Is that my daughter." I chuckled and wrapped my arms around my dad. "Welcome back, sweetie. Proud of you." I smiled at him and he gave my cheek a small pat and moved by me to get another beer.

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