Ten | Valerie

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I wasn't able to come back to the ice until after the game tonight. I could feel all my muscles aching and burning to stop. I'm so close to nailing my quintuple. I just need to nail the speed of it to how long I'm in the air. Roxanne only comes to my morning sessions. At night I'm on my own with my cam recorder. Mitchell sometimes makes it to both, but he won't tonight as we have to wait for the game to get over. Which is good. I'll be able to throw myself in the air until I nail it.

My long program is almost done, Roxanne just wants to make sure the sequence with my jumps is as clean as it can be.

"How do feel that went? I think the jumps look better in that sequence." I took in a deep breath and felt the sweat go down my back.

"I think it felt easier to go into my jumps, but it made it hard to go into my next sequence. The momentum wasn't all there..."

Roxanne let out a hum and looked over her notes. "I feel like we're missing it. That the routine is good, but it's only wacky in this one spot. Why is that?" I let her look over her notes as I collected my breath. The team would be here soon for their skate and then the ice won't be mine until late tonight.

"Hey America." I rolled my eyes and looked over at Brock who was walking in. He has on his old high school warm up shirt and workout shorts. "What don't like that nickname?" He walked over and through to the bench. I was leaning over it for support.

"It's nothing I haven't heard before."

He chuckled and looked over the ice. "Looks like you've been tearing it up this morning."

"Trying to fix something."

"A certain part or the whole thing?"

Roxanne looked up between us and squinted her eyes at Brock. "Actually, Brock. Can you tell us what's wrong with the jumps? Val can you do the recent version for him? Brock, we're not going to tell you what's wrong, just let us know what's wonky." I took in a deep breath and pushed myself back out to center ice. This long program will be the death of me. Doing it so many times, knowing the emotions I put behind it only makes me feel numb.

After my routine I skated over to the bench and Brock tilted his head. "Wait, can you... is it possible for you to switch the jump sequences? Like swap the first and the ones in the middle. It seemed so muddled that you lost your momentum at the end." Roxanne looked over at Brock and then to me.

"Work on that tonight. Okay? Switch them up. I think I like that. I have to go and have it out with Roland." Roxanne caught onto my concern and shook her head. "If he listens to me everything will be okay."

Roxanne bid me goodbye and I sat on the bench beside Brock. "Great routine, Val."

I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Thank you. I just hope I can perfect it tonight." Brock and I stayed there for a chunk of time in silence. "Anything on your mind?"

"The team's off. I think it's the shit between me and Reilly. I just wish he'd come up to me and we can talk about it."

"I'm surprised we haven't all talked yet. I have a bad feeling it's all going to come to a blow." Brock mumbled in agreement.

"I have to begin my workout, but I'll see you after the game." He got up and kissed the top of my head before leaving. I unlaced my skates and stood up. I felt someone watching and turned around to see Reilly watching me from the locker room hallway. His golden eyes looked me over and I felt my whole body relax with his stare. The stress and pressure left my body with his gaze. Wren walked over and called out to him, breaking our contact. I grabbed my stuff and walked back to get my stuff. I fanned myself and put on my sneakers. I rushed, shoving everything in my bag and made it to my car. When I got in, I put my forehead on the steering wheel.

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