Chapter 1

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The power is growing inside me.

It's been six hours since I've defeated Ranrok and consumed whatever has been in that repository. Can't say how it feels, but I sense something dark. And I know dark.

It's like something is screaming inside of me. My first childhood memory is a scream. My mother's scream. She was grieving for the loss of my father. Whoever he was, he was defeated in a battle against tuberculosis, and later my mother was defeated in a battle against some muggle drugs. 

Professor Fig told me about it the night I turned sixteen, also the night when I found out I'm a witch and, apparently, was lost by the ministry because of the complicated paperwork or something like that. I wanted to ask him about my parents, who they were, what they did, what did they look like, but I always postponed it, because there was always a rush, or he was way too focused on teaching me some spell or something else. And now Fig is dead, and nothing can reverse it.

Come to think of it - it is strange. After my little field trips one would expect that someone's death wouldn't bring me such grief, however the reality showed that I do care. I guess the only positive thing about all of this is that if i'm sad, I still have a heart.

Black will announce his death tomorrow, or should I say today's, evening. I must pull myself together, but I doubt I'll succeed.

February hit hard. First Sebastian's uncle, then Professor Fig. I've never thought losing someone would be that painful. Already knowing my parents are dead is just something I live in, like a part of my life, my personality, while losing someone I actually knew just hits differently. I wonder if I felt the same if I wasn't just told about it, but witnessed it.

Oh, the kind of thoughts that you don't like to think, and end up thinking anyway. 

Speaking of thinking. Sebastian Sallow. He intrigued me. I find the combination of obsession with the Dark Arts and immeasurable loyalty to the loved ones...interesting. You expect a Dark wizard to be cold, unforgiving, cruel, but he is none of those things, I'm not even sure he can be called Dark wizard. He did make that goblin kill himself and he did kill his uncle, but he was trying to protect his sister and he is a good friend, and he helps me when I miss class to wander in the Forbidden Forrest and he has cute freckles.

Why am I always trying to justify his actions? Because he has cute freckles or because I am myself a murderer and possibly a tickling dark ancient magic bomb? And my body count is far bigger that his, that's for sure. And maybe, just maybe, I've found a similar dark soul and now I feel drawn to it. 

He is cute though. Always so helpful, somewhere in between of beeing manipulative and focused on the idea of curing his sister. I've seen girls staring at him, and some of them even said that they would date him if he wasn't so poor. I was quite shocked when I heard it - I thought Muggle world was full of judgment, and the Wizarding World was accepting, but I guess there is a reason to think low of someone everywhere.

And even though Sebastian Sallow is ill-tempered and loves getting himself and others in may kinds of messes, he takes his time to occupy my thoughts every now and then. I wonder why.

Must be the freckles.

The rustling of a blanket on the bed in front of me signalises that Imelda woke up. She is like a sleepy kitten: disoriented, relaxed, ready to embrace another day. That's the only time she looks cute and innocent - during the day she is a complete opposite. I wonder if the same could be said about me.

"Where the hell have you been all night? Killing spiders again?" She asks, obviously annoyed with the fact that I sneaked out again. She ususaly covers up for me, so her behavior is more that justified.

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