Chapter 28

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For the last week I was almost in a fog.

Cramming, practice, sleep, waking up, eating, cramming, practice...

Imelda's parents came by a few days ago to take her body. Even though I wanted to see her all the time, they didn't let me in until just before she left.

Her parents were devastated, so was I. Looking them in the eyes was unbearable - no matter how much Sebastian and, well, other people who knew what happened, told me that her death wasn't my fault, the feeling of guilt didn't go away. Quite the opposite - when I saw Imelda's mother crying over her daughter's body all I wanted to do was to give up magic and leave to live in a small hut, having a boring life and reminiscing about ongoing days like it was some nightmare.

Numbness has slowly turned into an internally tearing rage. During sleepless nights all I could think of was how to make Sharlene suffer the most.

"It is not about avenging Imelda's death anymore, is it, Penelope?" Sebastian asks when I tell him about my plan to lure out a dementor. The Room of Requirement immediately materializes a picture of a rather eerie creature.

"What? Of course, it is about avenging Imelda! What else could it be?"

"Well, I must say it looks like you are more focused on avenging the fact that she outplayed you rather than..."

"Nonsense! How can you even imply that, I'm mourning! That's my way to cope with that!"

He gets up to take another book on History of Magic. When he senses my stare, he sighs and turns around to face me.

"When you were mourning, I could see that. Even after you cheered up, I could see that in your eyes. But now you are not just mourning, you simply want a reason to hurt Sharlene in a more severe way than not only needed, but possible. Dementor, really? How do you plan on doing that?"

"I thought you would support me..."

"I am supporting you by bringing you back to your senses!"

I snort. He comes closer and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Please, understand that you are going too far. Luring out a dementor...Merlin it sounds so absurd, it is basically going right into, death is better than what you are coming for. There is a line, Nellie. A line I won't let you cross. I can make up with your thirst for blood and destruction, but not with you goi..."

"Make up? I thought you share it!" I interrupt.

"I...I am more into scientific part..." He mutters.

"You killed!"

"Out of need!"

"There was no actual need to kill Solomon! It was the easiest option, yes, but definitely not the only one!"

He watches me and I can see that my words hurt him. I know that he has almost persuaded himself that his actions were completely justified, and that I've just shattered the flimsy assurance that it wasn't his fault, the one that he has been building for so long.

"Fine. Do what you want. But I won't be a part of it." He says before rapidly leaving.


Another vase crashed. Poor Deek, I just hope that he won't cut himself accidentally while cleaning up here.

I've been walking circles, frustrated. Sebastian was right – Dementors are dangerous beeings, and, after further research it turned out that the only thing they listen to is the Ministry of Magic.

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