Chapter 5

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Two weeks later

Spring is slowly coming to Scotland. There is plenty of time before the first leaf pops up, but the outside looks more cheerful already. The sun wakes up Hogwarts students more and more frequently, while some of them have already abandoned their winter robes in favor of lighter ones.

I've decided to put myself into studies. O.W.L.s are in three months, and I still have a lot to catch up. Thankfully, Sebastian, Imelda, Garreth and Ominis are happy to help me. We spend a lot of time together, but I can't say that everyone is happy about it.

Sebastian and Ominis obviously do not favor Garreth, and he is not a fan of them either. Imelda thinks that different houses are the problem, Slytherin and Gryffindor students often engage in rivalry after all. But I believe that their mutual hostility has to do with Garreth's behavior, or should I say, a certain trait.

Garreth is a flirt – everybody knows it. He flirts anytime, anywhere with anyone unless he doesn't think that it's safe to flirt with a person. It doesn't mean that he actually wants something, or he has some sort of list – he just sees it as a harmless entertainment. For some time, he thought that Sebastian and I were a thing, but after our first group study he stopped messing with Imelda only, giving his not really wanted, but flattering attention to me as well (I should thank Imelda for asking one of her Gryffindor friends about it). Anyway, he is a great friend, who've taught me everything I know about potions now. His playful, cheerful nature doesn't let him understand Ominis and Sebastian, who, in his opinion, are snobbish buzzkills.

These two often say unpleasant things about Garreth, behind his back of course. Me and Imelda already started closing our ears and screaming "lalalalalalalala" when boys start talking about him, because they talk about him a lot. And it's always the same.

"The only two things Garreth thinks about are girls and potions." Sebastian usually starts this conversation.

"Garreth is unreliable." Ominis catches up.

"I bet his brain is as messy as his potions."

"Garreth is the least serious person I know, and I know Sebastian."

"The only thing Garreth does is flirting with Imelda, Penelope and whole Hogwarts."

The list goes on.

Speaking about Sebastian and Ominis. They seem to get along again – Ominis told me Sebastian apologized to him and that they are working on restoring their friendship. Sebastian must have listened to my advice. Nice to know.

I've also been training my wielding of ancient and pain magic. I feel that I have improved – the pain extortion spell is still too complicated for me, but at least I feel more confident.

Imelda found out about my abilities when she walked on me while I was trying to conjure a toothbrush and the thing appeared right when she was looking at my hands. It took several hours of explanation and storytelling, but now she understands what I'm trying to do and even lets me practice in our room – unless until I blow up some of her belongings.

When Imelda, Sebastian, Ominis and I were having a peaceful lunch, a brown owl flew into the Great Hall. As soon as Sebastian saw it, his eyes went wide, his fork dropped, and he muttered "I can't believe this..."

An owl flies to our table, dropping the letter right into Sebastian's hands. He looks at the letter and runs outside.

"What was that?" Imelda asks me.

"Why are you looking at me? I have no idea. Maybe Ominis knows."

"What happened?"

"Sebastian received an owl and ran out of the Great Hall."

Obsession || Sebastian Sallow x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz