Chapter 19

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POV Sebastian

Imelda, Ominis and I are sitting in the Great Hall, having lunch. The last week has been insufferably long – Penelope sent the letter to Anne, and we have been waiting for her reply ever since.

I do hope that she will be eager to try to reverse the curse, or at least will give us a chance. I also do hope that she won't suspect anything – if she finds out what we've done to obtain the way to reverse the curse she will be furious, to say at least.

With each day I feel that my feelings towards Penelope are growing stronger and stronger. What started as partnership grew into friendship, and now

Love is a strong word. You can love a color, you can love a food, you can love a person...but what does it mean?

For some people, love is all about passion and romance. It is about the intense feelings of attraction that come with being deeply in love with someone, and the unbreakable bond that forms as a result. For others, love is more about companionship and joy. It is the feeling of being completely at ease with someone, of sharing your life with them and enjoying each other's company day in and day out.

For me love is about loyalty, determination, commitment. I guess if I ever love someone, I will do anything for that person's happiness. I will cross every line, every barrier – only to see smile on that significant one's face.

Or maybe I have already found that one?

"Sebastian! Sebastian, I've been to Owlery! She answered!" I hear a voice screaming my name.

Penelope walks quickly towards me, with a smile to her ears.

"She did? What does the letter say?" I stand up.

"She says that she wants to try it!"

Well, that's a relief.

"What else does it say?" I ask.

"That she invites us to Ardbrek next weekend, and she also asked me to tell you that she really misses you."

"How sweet of her. So, what do we have to do now?"

"The potions will be ready by next Thursday, so the only thing that is left is to persuade Professor Weasley to let us go. Fortunately, the New Moon corresponds with the time Anne invited us, I checked." She says in a much quieter voice.

"That's a relief. Have you been practicing the incantation?"

Penelope gives me a death stare.

"No, I decided that I will figure it out on the spot. It's not like there is much at stake or something..." She gently punches my arm, "Of course I practiced!"

"I'm not saying that you didn't, I'm just checking if you've been doing it." I say, pulling her into a hug.

" have something on your robe...I swear it wasn't there just a minute ago..."

"What? What is it?" I start examining myself.

"It's...a red hair." She says, taking it off, "Never mind, might have been some student who passed by..."

"So if I get this right, I will have to drink the potion and wait for Penelope to cast a spell and I will be healthy again?" Anne asks, looking at Nellie who has just described the whole process to her.

"Yes, that's it."

"If it is that easy, then how come Sebastian didn't find it sooner?"

Penelope and I discussed all possible questions that she might ask. This one is not an exception.

"When I was at the Hospital Wing I had nothing to do, so I read some books, including really old ones. This is where I found these symptoms and the cure." It's almost like she rehearsed it. Oh, wait – she did.

"You want to say that from all the places in Hogwarts Sebastian didn't check the Hospital Wing?" Anne narrows her eyes suspiciously.

"I didn't even know there are books in the Hospital Wing!" I interject.

"Because there are none. The books I've read were from nurse Blainey's personal collection." Penelope continues.

"Anne, darling, it's worth a try." Aunt Sheila speaks up, "I believe it won't make the situation worse than it already is."

"It will take a whole lunar cycle until the next time we are able to try it." I say, "Merlin knows what will happen to you. Look at you, you are much weaker than you were, the curse is draining you, and it's doing it fast. What if we don't have much time?" I stand up and put my hands on Anne's shoulders, "Please, it's the first time anyone has found something decent, something that does look like a cure to your curse. I beg you, let's try it. I don't want to lose you and Aunt Sheila is right – it won't make it worse."

Anne is visibly hesitant. I can't blame her – even considering that Penelope and I hid the origin of the spell and counter spell, all that looks shady. Besides, how many times did she have to hear that the cure is found only to be proven overwise? I would be skeptical as well.

"Sebastian, may I talk with you for a second? Alone." She finally says.

We go up to the second floor and enter her room. The walls are upholstered with a pleasant soft green fabric, and in the middle is a bed, similar in size to the ones at Hogwarts. There are two bedside tables, one with books and an embroidery kit on it, and a carafe of water and a glass on the other. The room is small - but cozy. I could tell at once that Aunt Sheila had furnished it with the utmost care.

"Listen, you!" Anne grabs her wand and puts it to my throat. An unexpected gesture, "Promise me it has nothing to do with the Dark Arts."

I can see how much strength it requires her to hold me at a wandpoint.

"I promise, Anne. I promised you then, I swear to you now, that this spell was found in a book that has nothing to do with the Dark Arts. All I want now and all I wanted ever since you got sick is to make you healthy again, without straining our relationship, of course." I feel that I've been lying a lot lately.

"Ugh, fine." Anne falls on the bed, closing her eyes.

It hurts to see what she's become. Once a lively, cheerful girl, she turned into a shell of a human. The girl is still there – but inside, somewhere deep down, all because of Ranrok, Rookwood and their greed for power.

"How do you like Penelope?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"She's nice. Although, I believe there is something more to her than just 'nice', but I can't figure out what. Why do you ask?"

"Well, it's just..." I fall on the bed beside her, "...we are kind of going out now."

The news make Anne get up on her elbows and look at me.

"You are what?"

"We are dating, Anne. For about a month."

Anne smiles and lets out a light chuckle.

"I knew there was something between you two. Aunt Sheila, couldn't stop talking about what a nice couple you two make and how beautiful your children will be."

"I think it's way too soon to talk about children."

"That's what I said."

We lie in silence for some time, but it's not like any words are needed. I know that we both feel the same way – that we miss the way it was before.  

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