Chapter 14

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"Do you want to go for a swim?" Sebastian asks.

"I don't have my swimming suit with me." I ask, confused.

"We can do it in our undergarment."

I am hesitant. We can go for a swim in our undergarment, yes, but it's made of cotton. The moment we go into the water it would become completely see-through. I'm not sure how I feel about Sebastian seeing my body, while...

While I would absolutely love seeing his.

"If you are uncomfortable with the idea we can just sit here." Sebastian says.

"No, I want to go for a swim, just...just could you please turn away when I will undress and go into the water?"

"Of course. I will go in first if you don't mind."

I go behind the tree and take off my pants, corset, and blouse. Meanwhile, Sebastian is already in the water, waiting for me to peek from the tree.

"I'm going in!" I alert.

The water is warm and clear, I can see my legs even though I'm in the water to the chest. Sebastian stands not far from me with his eyes closed, waiting for my call to open them.

"Are you ready?"

"No, not yet."

I wouldn't want him to catch me starring at him.

His shirt has floated in the water, making the very presence of it absolutely useless. I can see that he is not exactly an athlete, but the vertical lines on his stomach show that he does work out. His chest is dense, which confirms my last thought.

Sebastian opens his eyes only to be greeted with a splash.

"You started it, not me!" He shouts, attacking.

I must accept that despite my proficiency in dueling, children's games like splashing or pillow fighting are not my greatest skill. It takes Sebastian ten minutes to make me completely soaked, trying to get out of his arms, screeching and randomly punching the water.

"There, there, calm down. There is no way of you winning now."

His voice makes me stop and assess the situation (and position) I found myself in.

His hands are resting on my thighs, while my feet are crossed behind his back, making me able to look at him from higher position than I usually am in. My hands are holding his head and...

And we are so close...

He leans in to kiss me and I respond. This time he is more passionate than he was before, and I must say I find it appealing. I feel something hard forming somewhere between his legs as he squeezes my thighs harder and more frequently, and it takes me a moment to understand what it is, and when I do, all shyness I felt seems to vanish.

Sebastian stops. He steps away from me, his cheeks and ears red like those flowers I've seen on the vines.

"I'm...Uh...Merlin, that is embarrassing..." He stumbles and crumbles in one place, obviously confused by his body's reaction.

"Sebastian, I..."

"No, please. It is completely unacceptable. If you want to head back now I completely understand."

"Sebastian, I..." Why is it so hard to find the right words? I've been thinking about it, I'm curious, I want to try it, I've made my decision..."I want to try it. With you."

He looks at me, questioning my words.

"You want to try what exactly?"

"I want to try get closer to you. Yes, I want to feel you." I step closer, placing my hands on his cheeks.

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure."

"Okay..." He pauses, "Then I have one thing to ask you. If you feel uncomfortable, if you feel pain, or if you feel like you don't want to continue please say so. It will be my first time, and even though I know the theory I...I don't want to hurt you. I want you to enjoy it, to make it memorable."

"I will."

Sebastian takes my hand and leads me to one of the stones. He lifts me up, making me lean on it, leaving us in standing position, being supported by the water.

He starts kissing my neck, making me shiver from the feeling of his breath on it. As he goes down, the only think I can feel of is how I want more of his touch, more of his hands wandering around my body, more of him.

And he gives me it. The sensations are incomparable – I've never felt so weak, so vulnerable, so open, and the understanding of it makes me more impatient than before.

Sebastian takes off the top of my undergarment unceremoniously, roughly. He tries to control himself, but I can see that he is as impatient as I am, and his body's reaction confirms my thoughts. He takes one of my breasts into his hand, massaging it, while his tongue occupies the other one.

I feel so exposed, so needy. The waves of pleasure his actions are sending are just more than my body can handle, but I already feel addicted to them. It is impossible to keep it all inside and I let out a quiet moan.

It seemed to flick something in Sebastian's mind. He stops and looks at me, his eyes are darker than usual, his gaze is almost feral. He kisses me again, more passionately than before, almost flagrantly, like he wants to show not only me, but the surroundings, that he is the one who has the honors of having me in his arms, completely submissive, patiently waiting and hoping for what is about to happen.

While doing so, his hand slips down my stomach, finding exactly what he expected to find – me, completely wet from everything he does to my mind and my body. His fingers pull up my skin a bit and start circular movements, making be gasp for air and squeeze his back even harder.

"Look at me." He whispers, "Look me in the eye while I touch you."

And I do. It is impossible to turn away now. I have finally fell for the hypnosis of his eyes that left me speechless so many times, and now each time I will look in them I will see my face, begging for more.

"You are overdressed..." I say, and my words are transformed into another moan, and that must have been the last straw.

Sebastian undresses completely, giving me some time to process what is happening. I glimpse at his groin, just for a second, and the realization strikes my mind.

He must have noticed it. He comes closer to me and kisses me slowly, tenderly. The contrast of his actions makes me dizzy.

"I repeat, if you are having second thoughts..."

"Sebastian, just do it, I'm begging you. I don't have any second thoughts, I want you."

He lifts me up again, bringing me back in the position I was before. With a groan, he slowly slides inside of me...

What a strange feeling.

It supposed to hurt, but it doesn't. I see the water around us turning pink for a second. I try to pull myself together, to focus...

But it is something I never do.

The warmth of his body, bursts of indescribable pleasure inside me, his heavy breathing, my quiet moans that I just can't hold back – everything is mixed up in wild, but at the same time gentle process.

His hand is where it was before while he nibbles my neck. It is definitely more than I'm capable of containing and the more I think of it, the closer the feeling of the release is.

It is like something inside me has finally exploded. I almost scream in delight, arching my back, pressing myself in Sebastian, burrowing my hands deeper in his hair. I want to get closer to him, to kiss him, to hug him...

But all of a sudden, he comes out of me, his forehead against mine, while his hand does a few sharp movements underwater. He breaths heavily, even more than he did before. I understand what he prevented and make a note to myself to find a more reliable way of protection.

"Is everything alright? Did it hurt? Did you enjoy it?" The moment he is able to think clearly he bombards me with questions.

"Tss..." I put my finger on his mouth, "Everything was perfect."

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