Chapter 3

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POV Sebastian


Before Penelope had a chance to justify herself, I was blasting everything I could see, flipped two innocent Dugbogs and squeezed a Puffskein so hard, that a poor creature jumped right out of my hands and ran away the fastest I ever saw a Puffskein run.

"Well, I might have consumed a bit of that power..."

"A bit?! A bit?! You should have seen yourself! You blasted that wretched spider with something massive, your eyes went red, and your natural color is not red, that I can assure you, and you never used your wand! And the next moment you are perfectly fine and it's like nothing happened and..."


"Don't! Just don't. Why didn't you tell me anything? Haven't I proven myself trustworthy enough? For Merlin's sake, I killed my uncle in front of you and..."

"Sebastian!" Oh, now she's angry. Well, she's not a walking statue, at least I know that now "I didn't tell you about the power because we were in a fucking pub!" Oh, and she knows how to use curse words. Today's night is just full of surprises. "How do you expect me to say it? Oh, well, yeah, I went in that repository and killed that dragon and then I consumed other people's pain and now I feel more powerful than ever, but that doesn't make me happy, it makes me fucking scared because I don't know how to use it and I'm afraid I will hurt someone unintentionally?! In front of those poachers, whose friends I probably crippled and those assassins whose friends I probably crippled as well and other dark wizards..."

"Fine, fine I got it, I..."

"Ooooh, and the audacity you have!" Looks like I got what I was asking for. "You go into that tomb, you find that relic, you unleash a bunch of inferi, whom I had to fight to get to you, and then you lose the relic and kill your uncle and I do not say a word to you! And you freak out because I do so when I was just trying to be the one with the clear head! And I fucking succeed because look where you are! You are drunk, you are on your way back to Hogwarts, you will go to class tomorrow, while you could be on your way to Azkaban if I didn't beg Ominis and Anne to give you a second chance! And you..." She's standing really close to me, pointing her finger in my chest, looking more infuriated than ever "...dare to call me names and accuse me of having secrets!"

"Off to another adventure, are we?" Not the time, Floo Flame lady, not the time.

"Oh, do shut up! Bombarda!" Poor Floo Flame lady's statue blows up. I guess tomorrow a certain someone will have to apologize to her, and that will not be an enjoyable conversation.

"Well, that she deserved, she can be annoying at times. Do you feel any better?" I put my arm around her shoulder, as she starts to shiver. Must be the Firewhiskey blowing out.

"I do." And now she's grumpy.

"Listen, Penelope, I am really sorry for my behavior earlier, you just caught me off guard." I really need to learn how to control myself before something unfixable happens,  "I appreciate everything you've done for me and, as I said before, I am really happy you are my friend. Now, why don't I give you my robe, we go back to Hogwarts and discuss everything in the Undercroft tomorrow? Sounds like a plan?"


I can think of one thing that is certainly not fine.

These sleepless nights are killing me.

That thing she unleashed, it looked almost like that magic she's used before, but at the same time it feels... cursed. She did say it was pain, and that makes sense, considering what we saw in Isidora's memory, but she also said that she can't control it.

Obsession || Sebastian Sallow x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя