Chapter 4

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When Professor Sharp came, he assessed our progress with cauldrons. I must say, I suspect he wasn't exactly pleased with our work, but let me and Sebastian go.

Obviously, we headed to the Undercroft.

"I wonder if I will be able to do that trick with cauldrons with my wand." I say, trying to break an awkward silence between us.

"Who knows... The only thing I'm hoping for is that Ominis isn't there."

"Have you apologized to him?" Sebastian stops.

"I? To him? What for?"

He can't be serious.

"He was shocked when he found out what you've done. He really cares for you, Sebastian, but I think that the emotions and worry you caused him deserve to be apologized for."

"Nonsense. He knew that I would do anything to save Anne, I told him numerous times that if I find something, I will not hesitate to try and..." Stubborn as always.

"I am not talking about the relic..." I lean in and whisper, "...but about what happened in the tomb, if you follow."

Sebastian frowns and starts walking again. Sometime afterwards he drops "I guess I've never thought of it this way."

"So, let's review. You have consumed a force, which was based on various kinds of pain and lets you destroy anything you set your mind to, but also to create, well, cauldrons...? Anyway, when you..."

While Sebastian reviews our gained knowledge for 100th time I take a look at the Undercroft. It looks as cosy as ever, with its muted warm light, rounded ceilings and bits of dust here and there. I guess if one brings here some pillows, some candles and one of these new gramophone things I've seen at Hogsmeade, it could be a really romantic spot.

", it sums it up?"

"Yes, I think."

"Good. Now, why don't you try to break that pot over there, and then recreate a new one. With your wand, of course. By the way, what are yours's characteristics?"

"Since when have you become such an expert in ancient magic and wands?"

"I am no expert in ancient magic, that's where you rightfully surpass me..." Sebastian jokingly bows, "...but I do know a thing or two about wands. I read a lot of books, remember?"

"Oh, sorry, I might have forgotten about it since you are always somewhere in the library." I chuckle, "As far as I recall, my wand is from pear wood, phoenix feather, unyielding and...14 and a half inches I believe."

"So that's why it looks like a bone."


"I mean, your wand is from light wood and it's shaped with these circles along the length, makes it look like a bone, and I always thought you just made it look like it. Never mind."

"Why do you need my wand's characteristics?"

"To understand whether it's capable of holding and regulating pain magic. And, as far as I'm concerned, it is. Give it a try."

I approach a pot, wand at ready...concentrate...and crack.

"Well, it's not like it was hard." My time for sarcastic smirks, Sebastian.

"Sorry, I forgot a bag with Acromantulas in my other robe. How do you feel? Hands burning? Temperature rising?"

"My palm got a bit heated, and I must say, casting this type of magic is much easier with a wand."

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