Chapter 11

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The next morning, I wake up energetic as I've never been before. I was right – the ball was eventful, and the conversation with Imelda was...let's say educating.

She told me everything she knew about male and female body, the process, protection, and other little things that would be good to know. I'm glad she decided to share them with me, as the orphanage I lived in clearly doesn't care about teaching that quite useful stuff to the kids.

Now that my romantic life and studies are in order, I decide that it's time to continue practicing with ancient magic more frequently. I have mastered conjuring and destroying, cloning is slightly better – but there are still some difficulties. It is simple to copy a mug, a pot, or any other object, but a book...

A book is a whole different story.

To copy a book you must know it, or at least be able to look through the pages while conjuring, which is impossible because your hands are busy. That's where Sebastian is going to help me.

I enter the Great Hall and proceed to the Slytherin table to sit next to Imelda. At today's breakfast we are served scrambled eggs, sausages, some juice, some tea, fruits...many things. Delicious as always.

Sebastian shows up not long after me. We've decided that we don't want to show off our relationship to have some privacy to ourselves, so the only thing he does when he sits near me is a little hand squeeze.

"How was your night?" I ask.

"Oh, I slept great. Haven't had that for a long time."

"I've been meaning to ask you something, in private."

"If it's urgent you can tell me now."

"Sebastian, in private." I tilt my head in direction of the girl who is obviously eavesdropping.

"Alright, what is it?" Sebastian asks when we exit the Great Hall.

"Follow me, I don't think it's safe here."

I lead him to the wall, which I've seen more times than I can count. The door appears and we enter my Room of Requirement.

I enjoy spending time here. Eerie ambience falls onto the room, visibly enlarging it. Sofas and armchairs stand in the corners of the room, both on the first and the second floor, while some statues here and there finish the overall look of the space, making it cozy.

"Is this the Room of Requirement?" Sebastian asks while looking around.

"It is. Professor Weasley showed me it so that I have space to catch up on my schoolwork. I decorated it according to my tastes. Here, there, and there..." I point to the vivariums, "...are the places where I keep magical beasts. There are not many, but all of them help me gather ingredients for my potions. There is also a second room..." I say, showing him the space behind the statue, " are my plants, behind that screen. And that is where I wanted to discuss the matter."

I sit on the couch, facing a big window. Sebastian sits beside me.

"This place is magnificent! I can't believe you kept it a secret from everyone...Although I think I would have done the same."

"Says the man who showed me the Undercroft in what, a week after our first encounter?"

"That's different! There is nothing valuable in the Undercroft, while here are your plants, your beasts, your potions! Anyway, what did you want to talk with me about?"

"Yes...I need you to go with me to the Restricted Section. It has to do with Anne."

Sebastian raises his eyebrow.

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