Chapter 21

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"Aww, that's so cute! What did you answer?"

Imelda is trying to braid my hair, can't say she's been successful though. We decided that we'll stay in bed for the whole Sunday, with visits to our boyfriends from time to time.

Ever since she and Garreth started dating she's been a whole different person. She is less sarcastic, smiles more – I can say that she is happier now, and that makes me happy as well.

I've just finished telling her about my trip to Ardbrek, hiding the unnecessary details.

"I said that I am grateful...OUCH! Can you please be a bit more careful? It hurts!"

"Hey, I'm doing the best I can! I've never braided short hair before!"

I've never realized I look so good with braids. I've been having my hair short for as long as I can remember, so there were not many options to style it. But Imelda not only managed to braid them, but to let me look at myself differently.

"Like it?" She asks proudly.

"Love it." I answer with a smile.

"Wonderful. Now, if you excuse me, I need to receive a certain parcel."

She leaves the room and gets back shortly afterwards.

"What is it?"

"Oh, it's a really interesting potion..." She smiles mischievously, "It creates a certain desire. You can't ignore it, and you feel incredibly uncomfortable unless you fulfill it..."

"What are you talking about?"

"Ugh, it is a potion that makes you want to make love. Like, really want. Garreth and I decided to order some and spice up our relationship a bit, but I knew that you would be curious as well, so I ordered you some! You are interested, right?"

I believe that there is enough spice in my relationship, however...I am dying to know what will happen to Sebastian if he drinks it.

"I happen to be interested." I answer, "By the way, how is your relationship?"

"Oh, it's literally perfect! You know, he is so caring and imaginative, he always comes up with such incredible ideas for our dates! We fly brooms, we explore the forest...He taught me how to make so many interesting potions! I've never known I had that in me! He lets me look at so many things from a different perspective..."

"I'm happy for you, Imelda, I really am." I say with a smile, "But can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Please, stay out of the forrest. There are a lot of dangers there, who knows what will happen..."

"When did you become such a buzzkill? There is nothing dangerous in the forest, overwise we would be forbidden from going there!"

I seriously doubt that Ranrok would take school rules into consideration if he decides to attack Hogwarts again.

The next morning I sit beside Sebastian, as usual, except this time I have a tiny bottle of magenta liquid that supposedly will drive him crazy for the next few hours.

We chat, we eat – nothing out of ordinary. He suspects nothing, while I am waiting for a perfect moment to pour the potion into his pumpkin juice.

And this moment happens. He turns around to discuss Charms homework with one of our classmates, and I barely hide the empty bottle in time when he turns back.

"Is everything alright?" He asks.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"You look at my drink as if it's poisoned."

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