Chapter 12

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I have always found Hogwarts peaceful at night. No students running around, no portraits playing music, no professors patrolling the corridors – just some prefects watching for troublemakers, moonlight coloring halls in blue and ghosts' whining.

Sebastian and I have easily passed the prefects – like the first time, using disillusionment charm. As we walk down the stairs in the Restricted section I ask a question.

"Won't that book hurt us?"

"What? No. Apart from it's contents, the book itself is completely harmless." Sebastian whispers.

"Are you sure?"

"Let's hope for the best."

Well, isn't that reassuring.

The book rests on a shelf, near other parchments. We break the disillusionment charm to take a closer look.

"There it is, the Secrets of The Darkest Arts."

"Let's get it started."

Sebastian reads the first two pages while I conjure a cover. It is dark green, without anything written on it. In my opinion, it shouldn't scream "the illegal copy of a very dangerous book" and Sebastian agrees.

I start the conjuring. Despite the fact that I've never done that before, the process is going surprisingly well. I don't read the pages (don't want to spoil it, there is no fun in that), just repeat the letters, and that has been going on for about half an hour.

"Are we going to sit here in silence? How long will it take, anyway?" Sebastian speaks, obviously bored.

"If you don't speak quieter we will be out on the much shorter notice. Do you think I am not bored?"

"That's not what I'm talking about, I just want to talk with you."

"I would have talked to you if the conjuring didn't require full focus."

Some time later we are finished. As we walk to the Astronomy tower, I notice the red-haired girl who was eavesdropping on us in the Great Hall. She didn't seem to notice me, but I could see that she carries a heavy-looking bag on her back. I don't know what her business is, but I guess she is just one of these students who like to sneak out. Not my problem, anyway.

The Room of Requirement is as welcoming as usual. Deek is nowhere to be seen and that is definitely on hand.

"Let's see...Some deadly curses, some object curses, a whole chapter on Horcruxes..." Sebastian casually looks through the book, like it's some kind of textbook, "...there, curses that result in slow death. Merlin, there are 300 pages on that."

"Do you want to read them all now?" I ask, falling on the sofa, feeling more exhausted than ever.

"I want to start now. Why don't you check on your plants or something? I believe this will take a while."

"Ugh, fine."

I've checked all my plants, fed all my beasts, brew a few potions, checked on the liquid luck I've decided to make and brushed some unicorns while Sebastian reads. By this point I feel like I'm about to pass out right here, on the floor.

"Nellie, are you alright?"

"I am exhausted."

"Oh, I didn't realize, I'm so sorry." Sebastian closes the book and comes closer to me, "Why don't we go to sleep now and study the book later? I believe I've found some useful information I want you to look at."

"I'm not sure I am able to walk all the way to the dungeons."

"Let me carry you then."

Sebastian puts the book in his inside pocket and picks me up.

"Are you comfortable?"

"I sure am." I say, looking him in the eyes.

"Wonderful. Next station – Slytherin common room!"

POV Author

Meanwhile somewhere in the Forbidden Forrest.

There are not many colors in the Forbidden Forrest. Usually dark and gloomy place, it has many rumors about it – and some of them are true. Not many people are brave enough to enter it, but a certain red head is.

This person stands out – they are fast, light, and bright. Surely that's enough to make numerous spiders, Ashwinders and poachers to pay attention to such an unusual creature, but they never do. In fact, it seems like they tend to avoid the red head, undeniably for a reason.

Red Head is a Hogwarts student. She carries an enormous, heavy bag full of potions, plants, and books, but most importantly, goblin metal.

The girl enters the ruins of an old castle and walks down the stairs into the big dungeon. It is lighted with a number of lanterns, creating a muted light throughout the room. It is not empty – groups of goblins sit here and there. Some of them are cleaning weapons, some are drawing maps, some are studying parchments, books and diaries, but none of them pay attention to the witch – an odd behavior for goblins.

The Red Head proceeds to the room in the back. It is certainly smaller than the previous one. The goblin lies on the bed in the middle – surrounded by others of his kind, fussing around. They are changing bandages, brewing potions, but all of them stop when the witch comes in.

"Miss Grant, we've been waiting for you. Did you bring what we asked?" A goblin in a medical hat asks her. He bows – out of respect.

"I did, but don't expect me to just give it to you. The materials were hard to find – especially the goblin metal." Girl's voice is loud and strong, surely a sign of the confident person.

"We will pay you when we will be able to."

"You better be. Go on, take what you need. I'm in good mood today."

Goblins empty the bag and start working harder that they did before. Meanwhile, the Red Head looks at the goblin lying on the bed.

"What if he never wakes up? The Keeper damaged him severely after all."

"He will wake up, we've done everything for it. Of course, it will take time for him to recover fully, but that won't be a problem." The same goblin in the hat answers.

"He will be furious when he finds out that I've been helping you."

"He will, but when he learns how useful you are, he will be thrilled." Another goblin, most likely an adviser, speaks up.

"It is ready." The group of potion-makers intervenes, "Just some goblin metal chip left."

"Quite an odd ingredient for a potion." The Red Head says.

"It is." The medic answers, "But the chip of the goblin metal that has never participated in a battle is essential."

He walks up to the sick goblin and pours the black liquid in his mouth. Everyone stares at the bed, waiting for a miracle to happen.

And it does – the goblin jumps up, looking around.

"Ugh...Where am I? What is this place? And who are you?" He points out to the Red Head, "What is a wand-carrier doing here?"

"Ranrok," The advisor answers, "Allow me to introduce you Miss Sharlene Grant. She shares our ideals, helped you heal, but most importantly..." He pauses, "...our eyes and ears in Hogwarts."

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