Chapter 30

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"I have no idea what you're talking about!" I say, taking out my wand.

"Of course, you don't. After all, you are way too proud and vain to realize that there's nothing special about you except the power that... let's say, you borrowed." The woman continues. She seems to be wandless, while Sharlene stands behind her, in position for attack.

"If you are having problems with me having an ability to wield ancient magic, then I have bad news for you. I didn't borrow it, I didn't steal it, I was born with it. So, you can throw any threats you want, but I won't and can't give it to you!"

"We'll see about that. You see, the power you say you possess has belonged to our family for numerous generations, going all the way back to Merlin...."


"...there is just no way that a filthy orphan has a right to it, so we will take what is rightfully ours."

"You want to take my power just because I threatened the fact that you are 'special' of some kind?" I scoff, "Who is proud and vain now?"

"Petrificus Totallus" Sharlene casts.

"Protego!" I block.

A brutal battle begins.

As Sharlene and I engage in a heated magical duel, the woman watches on with a smug expression on her face. It's clear that she thinks this is going to be an easy victory for her and her accomplice. But I won't go down without a fight.

I start off with a disarming charm, hoping to knock Sharlene's wand out of her hand. But she's quick and manages to dodge it easily. She retaliates with a jinx, which I narrowly manage to block with a shield charm.

The woman steps forward, her expression turning serious. "Don't underestimate us," she says. "We have centuries of knowledge and power on our side."

I grit my teeth, knowing that this is going to be a tough battle. But I'm not going to let them win. I send a flurry of curses towards Sharlene, who manages to dodge most of them. But one manages to hit her, sending her flying backwards.

The woman looks surprised, but quickly recovers. She raises her hand, and a wave of some forse almost knocks me over.

I'm starting to feel the strain of the battle. My wand arm is getting tired, and my concentration is starting to falter. But I can't give up now.

Sharlene is back on her feet now, and she joins the fight once again. The two of them are working together now, sending waves of magic towards me. But I manage to hold my own, blocking their spells and sending my own back towards them.

The battle rages on, the three of us locked in a fierce struggle. I don't know how long we fight for, but it feels like hours. I'm battered and bruised, but I won't give up.

Exhaustion from the exam and the battle makes me less and less strong. It doesn't take much for me to lose focus for the first time in forever and that's enough for one of them to strike.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Sharlene stuns me. I fall back, unable to move.

"You are a...fine duelist." Sharlene's mother says, "But not good enough, obviously."

Sharlene puts a cloak on me, blocking my view. She uses Levitating charm to lift me up and carry me somewhere further in the cave.

As she carries me away, my mind races. What are they going to do to me? Will they kill me? How do I get out of this?

As we move deeper into the cave, I begin to hear the sound of rushing water. Suddenly, Sharlene stops and lowers me to the ground. When she removes the cloak from my face, I see that we are standing at the edge of a deep, dark underground river.

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