Chapter 16

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POV Sebastian

I storm into my bedroom and grab my...our copy of the Secrets of the Darkest Art and go to the Room of Requirement. Expectedly, it has changed according to my needs. Instead of emerald gothic walls, statues and vivariums the Room appears to me as a small office with a giant window. The table and a comfortably looking armchair stand beside it, along with three dummies.

I sit in an armchair and start reading the book. I am determined to find some spells that could be useful against Ranrok and his army. Penelope seems to be eager to fight him, and there is nothing I can do to stop her, so I might as well help her.

I am breaking my promise to Ominis just by holding this book in my hands, but I've already decided that these spells are essential for my internal peace. He won't know about it – there is no way for him to witness it or read my mind.

Speaking about reading one's mind, I believe I haven't paid enough attention to Legilimency.

"Some are foolish enough to believe that a Legilimency and mind-reading are the same, however one with good deduction skills can work out a reasonable distinction between the two; mind-reading assumes that one is simply eavesdropping on the thoughts currently running through the head of another. Legilimency, however, appears to actually require the wizard to navigate and move through the various areas of the brain. Whilst it would therefore be theoretically possible then, for one to access the area controlling conscious thought and hence "read another's mind" o ther areas of the brain are open to the Legilimens too, such as the area housing memory and the motor control part of the mind controlling the voluntary muscles. The most advanced Legilimens can perform Legilimency non - verbally and wandlessly, but less talented practitioners must use the incantation Legilimens to enter their victim's mind. If a target is not skilled in Occlumency, a Legilimens will be able to detect if the person is lying, as well as delve into their thoughts, emotions, and memories. Highly skilled Legilimens can also influence a mind that they invade. It is easier to perform Legilimency when the target and practitioners' eyes meet." I read out loud.

So I could use Legilmency to manipulate other's memories. Therefore, I could make goblins see the worst moments of their lives over and over, driving them crazy...

So sad that I am unable to try it now.

A Shredding spell. Effect is similar to Diffindo, except Diffindo is used for cutting objects, while Secarro tears the object into small pieces starting from within. Must be a painful curse.

I stand up and walk to one of the dummies. Legs in the position, wand at ready...


Nothing happens for a few seconds, but soon after dummy pieces fly in different directions, falling on the table, on the chair, on the windowsill, covering everything in metal bits, until there is nothing left.


I destroy two other dummies, practicing the spell, and the Room expands (how thoughtfull), creating more mannequins. However, this time they approach me, only to be shredded as well.

There are many other curses, but I just can't stop myself from coming back to the Withering curse. What can be better than letting these goblins and that mysterious wizard taste their own medicine?

But I just can't understand what I need to do to cast it. The instructions are unclear, the description is so long...

I yawn when the Room expands some more, creating a big bed. Might be a sign that I need to go to sleep. After all, there was a lot that happened today...

It was so hard to hold back when she and I were at the cave, but I had to. Finally hearing her moans, holding her in my hands, looking at her being completely helpless, feeling that she trusts me – everything was even better than I could ever hoped for. And then we fought...

Obsession || Sebastian Sallow x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now