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The sun is dazzling in my eyes, the birds are chirping, and today is a special day, it is my birthday!
My name is Smile Melchet and I have a twin sister Summer Melchet,

which means today is our sixteenth birthday, and I'm the first male child in my family.
Our parents are hardly home because they are busy trying to make us live

comfortably, although we are rich, they still need to keep the business running. My dad's name is David Melchet, and my mom's name is Katherine Melchet they're incredible,

and I love them so much.
I also have a best friend, Emma Benson, she is amazing, caring, and beautiful.

I should go see if Summer is up yet, I went to Summer's room, but she wasn't there so I went downstairs to see if she was there " HAPPY BIRTHDAY",

Summer and Emma shouted, they got me scared for a minute, and then I realized it was them, they decorated the living room, "when did you do all this" I asked,

"When your lazy ass was asleep", Emma replied, "happy birthday Smile", Summer said, "Happy birthday to you too", I replied, " ok, let's start opening presents shall we", Emma said,

"right after we freshen up," Summer said and left for her room, leaving me with Emma, "I have a surprise for you," Emma said, "what's that?". I asked,

then she reached out for her purse and brought out a card shoved it to my face, "Boom, invitation card to your favorite sport, surfing! Get ready for a lifetime experience". she said,

"I love it, but I've gone surfing before, what's so special about this one". I asked, "It's different because it's a party specially for you, we get to have competitions,

, the whole beach is gonna be all yours tonight" She replied, "Wow Emma that's amazing". I said, " I know, I'm amazing" she said, she is amazing,

I can still remember the first day we met. I was going to a new school but not with Summer, she was going to another school, to improve her dancing. So when I got the school,

Emma was my first enemy. When I got to class I sat close to Emma and during class her pencil broke, she didn't want to go get it working again, so she asked for mine,

and I refused to give her mine, but she yenked it from my hands, but I didn't let her get away with it, after arguing with each other, we got caught by our teacher and she made us write an apology letter to each other,

but she wrote nothing like that, instead she wrote a disgusting descriptive letter about me, at first it made me mad, but she brought my favorite chocolate cookie hmm

it made me forget that I ever hated her, we later found out that we had a lot in common, and soon became fond of each other.

One day she asked me why I was named Smile, and I told her that my parents said that when I was given birth to, instead of crying, I was smiling which brought about the name Smile

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