•chapter five •

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Nobody said a word in reply, "Nobody is happy to see me?". Aunt Trisha asked, nobody said anything, "good day Trisha, do you need anything". Katrina broke the silence out of nowhere, " no, thank you, I'll be in my room if anyone needs me". Aunt Trisha replied, and left for her room,

no one needs you!, "well, that was a good way to welcome your aunt". Uncle Frank said, "yeah it really was". I said, then we started laughing, " you guys, that was really mean, look how sad she is". Summer said, "Summer,  your mouth weren't sealed up, plus shes a control freak, definitely this is how she wanted it to be". I said.

"l hope she brought gifts " summer said and hopped on the couch next to me.

Soon Aunt Trisha came back to the living room, "so, how has school been?. She asked, as she sat close to Summer, crossing her hands over Summer's shoulder, "Its been great". Summer replied, "what about you" Aunt Trisha asked uncle Frank, "I don't go to school". He replied with his eyes glued to his phone, "really? I thought you were in the school of being an adult?". She said, he raised his head slightly and sighed

here we go again , "I didn't come here to have an argument with you, so just drop it". He replied, but she wasn't satisfied, "wow, this school has really made a change in you". She said, she asked for for it, I really want to go get popcorn, cause obviously uncle Frank is gonna win.

He wanted put on a face of anger, but then he changed it to a smirk, he was about to say something when she said, " oh spare me the insulation Frank". She said and turned to Summer, " would you like to go to the mall with me?. "Sure, let me get dressed up, I'll be right back". Summer said, she wants to escape, not so fast, "but you're totally fine with what you're wearing " I said said with a smirk, "he's right." Aunt Trisha confirmed, "no no no, n I can' t go to the mall dressed like this." She replied,

"Let me change into something better." She said and hurried off, you will never see that girl again, she is probably going to use David as an excuse. Typical

"So Smile ." Aunt Trisha started, WHAT, "yes?" l said, "how are you holding up with basketball and school and everything." She asked, she's trying to make conversation with me, I hate that

"Umm, I don't know same way I've been doing since all these years ." l said, she nobbed awkwardly "ok"

"Yh, I have homework to take care of ." l slowly got off my butt, uncle Frank chuckled, "you scared the kids away, and you call that being responsible ." He said, "oh shut up." She replied and got up too

Later that day I called Dylan, "hey" I said, "what do you want, can it wait? I'm in the middle of something right now". He replied, " what is so important". I asked, " I'm on a date, please don't bother me". I laughed, " ok dude, good luck". I said, "Thanks, talk to you later". He said and ended the call. I tried calling Emma again, I know it is useless,but I have faith, it rang but yet nobody answered.

Emma pov.

I hate being in prison! And when I say prison, I mean the hugh house I leave in, its not a home, it can never be my home, according to my dictionary, a home is the abiding place of affections, especially perental affection.

I don't see anything like this in here, the only affection my parents give to me is the one filled with wickedness, and it's not good for my health. Cough. I really can't wait for everything to be over, I really can't.

I'm always in my room, while my guardians are always in the living room.
Lava is the female, and Delve is the male, their names suits their character, they're always telling me what to do, what to eat, the way to dress, like they own me, and if I disobey, they would give my parents false information about what has been going on, I hate them, I hate the maids, I hate everyone and everything

except for Ted, the driver, he has been sweet to me, he is a quiet, softhearted young man, I keep wondering how he got contact with these evil people.

I need snacks, so I went to the fridge to get some snacks, "don't you dare put those in your mouth". Sigh its Lava, seriously " and why?" I asked, " because this isn't the time to eat snacks". She said while snatching the snacks from me

" but I'm hungry, and I could say starving, because the only thing you fed me this morning was grass!" I shouted, " it is called salad, not grass, and that is what you need, I'll let you know when lunch is ready, so you can take your meds".

She said. I left for my room, with no snack, I need a nap, but I really miss Smile, for two weeks now we haven't really talked, we see in school, and that's it, no long conversation, no gossip, nothing, I really want to see him, or talk to him on the phone, oh wait, I'm not allowed to use my phone, no food, no friend, no internet, nothing. I lald on my bed waiting to sleep off my pains.

l want everything to be over, but I have patience, lot's of it

Few hours later, Lava showed up, "your parents are about to call, get ready". She said with a cold voice , " why, what did I do again, what did you tell them?". I asked, but obviously she walked out with no answer.

I went to the living room, and as usually, when my parents calls, I'm always scared, cause I don't know what those two said to them, for the fact that they want to speak with me, something is definitely going to happen and It's never good

I sat on the sofa, in front of me was a huge monitor, as soon as it was turned on, there they were, looking at me, with no emotions, I did the same, I didn't want them to see my fear,

" Amore, how have you been". My mum asked, "I'm fine madre". I replied, then my dad began, "Lava ,and Delve here told me that you have been doing well, I'm proud of you Amore, I expect to see more of your hard work, and more of your perfect life, and for the fact that you have done well, you are no more grounded, but remember you're coming home soon, good bye Amore". "I love you Amore" my mum sapd , the call ended
l turned to Lava and Delve, they were standing at the back of the sofa , Lav

and a tear slipped from my eyes, then more, and more.
I'm not happy that I'm going home soon, but I'm happy that I'm free, for the first time in history, Lava, and Delve said something positive about me to my parents.
Now that I'm free I get to hang out with Smile, but I have to say, I'm not going home to them, never .
Watch out World, cause Emma is back!

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