•chapter one•

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Summer and I got ready for our birthday, but our parents were not home, so they were gonna celebrate with us later.

So we started opening up our presents, Summer got me a new sweater that had a lion's head on it, while I got her pretty hills, which I got for her yesterday at the mall with Emma.

After that we got ready for our party planned by Emma, we got there a little late, and everyone was there already, when they realized that we've arrived, they shouted,

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY", we waved a thank you to them, then I left Summer to enjoy the party with her friend David Silvester, he's tall and had muscles like me, but mine was bigger and better,

I don't trust him, but what can I do?, He is my sister's friend, I'll have to go with that.
So I left them and went to get a drink.
I live in California, in the town of Los Angeles, and today, May 5th, is the day I mark my sixteenth birthday.

This party is awesome, the last time I had a party was when I was turning seven, It was going well, not until some dude decided to provoke me,

I don't easily get angry, but little me thought this guy took it too far,

Summer was eating her cake, and it was all over her face, and then he started laughing at her, making everyone else do the same, that made me sad for my sister,

so I took his head and shoved it into the cake, that made everyone laugh so hard.

And that kid was no other than Benny Sharp. His parents are rich too, but Benny is a spoilt brat, and I can't stand people like him.

there was one time I heard he had a crush on my sister but he didn't have the gods to tell her or even make friends with her.

Soon Emma came to me and said, "Hey, it's almost time for the competition, go get dressed up". "Ok". I said.

When I came back, Emma picked up the mic. "Attention everyone, it is the time you've all been waiting for, the time we start our competition!

Who dares to challenge our birthday boy on the surfboard, cause he's really good, so anyone who wants to, can come on over to the beach".

So five dudes showed up with their boards, "nice". I said, "Are you ready!". Emma asked, "YEAH". They replied, "ok then, get your ass into water". She said,

and we did, "ok, these are the rules, no pushing, if you fall you lose one point, but if you make it back to the sand first, you win.

If you cheat, you're gonna be eliminated, got it?!"She asked, "YEAH". They replied, "ok, on your board, hand set, ready? SWIM". Everyone started shouting "SMILE, SMILE, SMILE, SMILE",

I kept on swimming until we got to the real game, "surfing", I stood on my board, and let the wave do its job,

soon, one of the guys fell into the water, I should be worried, but I had a game to win, so I kept on surfing until I was left with one guy, Dylan, who happens to be my friend,

he was close to me, and far away was a huge wave coming, so Dylan said, "Scared already? Birthday boy". I didn't reply, instead, I smiled, but I was about to do something he can never forget,

so I surfed to the beginning of the wave mouth, obviously, he was following me, he didn't know what I was doing,

then the wave curved over our heads and just when it wanted to close up, I surfed past it, leaving Dylan,

it swallowed him whole, when I was sure he was still alive I got back to the shore, and everyone started shouting.

Dylan got out of the water, met me, and said "Nice job bro, that was awesome, you got me there". "Sorry about that dude".

I said, then Emma ran towards me, and hugged me, "You did it, too bad for those losers, they didn't know who they were dealing with". Emma said she was referring to Dylan,

she doesn't give Dylan a chance to talk to her at all, but Dylan likes her, even though she's mean to him, he'll always try, "speaking of dealing, you know that sounds like my name, but my name is Dylan if you're wondering". Dylan said,

trying to get her attention, but he failed, "I have to go". She said, instead of replying to him, "Why?, We're not done yet". I said, "My curfew, you know". She said,

I understood she didn't want to say it out because it's personal. I sighed, "ok, I'll see you off". I said,

I walked her to the car where her driver was waiting for her, "Thanks". She said, "I should be the one thanking you, because of you, today was awesome, just like you are". I said,

"I know, I can be pretty awesome". She replied, feeling proud of herself, she should be. So I hugged her and said, "goodbye". "Goodbye?, There's no way I'm missing your cake". She replied,

and continued, "I'll come over to the house later for cake, I'll make up an excuse, don't worry". ", Ok then, till then". I said then we parted ways.

Later in the night, we got home, Mum, and Dad were already waiting for us, but Emma didn't show up, so I kept a piece of chocolate cake for her.

We opened our presents, and after eating, we went to bed, waiting for tomorrow, Monday.

TALES OF SMILE Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ