•chapter two •

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Its Monday morning!, And I can't wait to get to school, usually I hate Mondays, but today just seems so different, maybe because of the party we had last night,

cause everyone in school is gonna talk about it.
We go to Golden High, its kinda like a rich kid's school, and it has so many club, and sports you can join,

to the kids, its for fun, and the teacher its for more profit.

We have a maid, Katrina and a driver Ben, who usually take us to school, but before our sixteenth birthday, I got my driver's license, so I'm driving us to school today.

Last after our celebration with our parents, I tried calling Emma but she didn't pick up, so when we got to school,

I was hoping I'll see her but I couldn't find her, so I tried calling again, still didn't answer. "Hey". Dylan said, "hey, have you seen Emma?"

I asked, hoping he did, "no, not after the party". He replied, sigh, "what happened, is she okay?". He asked, probably, "she's fine, I just need to talk to her".I said, "there she is". He said

I looked towards his direction, and there she was arguing with a guy, I should, as a best friend get involved, but for someone like Emma, you don't get yourself involved in her business,

except she invited you, I stood there and another guy walked up to them trying to settle the case like some judge he's not, and he got hit in the face by Emma,

he was face was like ,"girl what is wrong with you?, I'm trying to help you"., But Emma doesn't give a shit, as long as she's in an argument, don't get involved.

I was once a victim, even though we were best friends, she didn't care, after the incident, she gave me a chocolate bar as a compensation, but I don't think he is getting any compensation.

So I decided leave her, later we could talk.


It was lunch time, and I got sight of Emma, "hey". I said, "hey". She said, but with a sad tune, I sat opposite her so I could look into  her eyes,

"you don't look okay, what's wrong Emma?". I asked, but she didn't respond, I have to give her time, so I gave her the cake I kept for her, "here". I said, and gave it to her, she took it,

and started eating it,she smiled a little bit. "Sorry I didn't show up yesterday". She apologized, "what happened Emma?". I asked, and just as I thought,

it was her parents again. "They called yesterday, but I wasn't home, so they said that my days of staying here is gonna reduce if I keep messing up, I don't know what they want,

I've tried to please them but they're just annoying". I hated seeing her this way what's their deal?

Emma is an Italian, and her parents are involved in Royal stuff in Italy, but I don't know where exactly,

her dad is a King, and her mum is a Queen, and Emma is the princess, who's supposed to be married to assend the throne,

but Emma doesn't like that, instead she loves being a normal American girl, but her parents hate America, and how Emma got to convince them to let her come here, I don't know,

but what I do know is that they want her home, to reign in her kingdom and whatever they do there.

The thing is , they pushed Emma too hard, what I mean is, they tried to make everything about her life perfect, her talk, her walk her words, her way of dressing,

what she eat, everything about her have to be perfect , and she's tired of the same routine.

The parents in her house aren't really her parents they're her guidians, but to everyone else, they're her parents, although I don't like the way they look at me, even though I smile at them,

they're not still satisfied,my parents don't like them either, especially my mum, she just loves Emma, probably because she thinks we're dating secretly,

but they're not my problem right now, I need to take care of Emma, she would do the same for me.

"How about we just go out today, just to clear your head". I suggested, "I'm grounded till futher notice,

so I'm not allowed to go anywhere, immediately after school, my driver is gonna pick me up". She said, but I have other plans to cheer her up, "come on, I want to show you something". I said,

and she followed me.
Apart from eating chocolate, there's something else that makes her happy, and its 'dancing',

most times when she is fussy, she would take a few sip of alcohol to make her Spirit high, and then she starts dancing, even though she is terrible at it, but its her choice.

So I took her to a huge room, enough for her to spin, or do what's she likes, then I played a particular song she loves playing, I don't know it's name, neither do I know where it came from.

When I played it, she said, "I'm not in the mood to dance" I took her hands and started shaking her to motivate her, then she started moving, soon she was going crazy with the song like nothing ever happened.

I watched my best friend, she was a skinned girl, with blue eyes and brown hair, today she was wearing a leather brown trousers that showed her curvy figure and a white body hug , she hunged her hair in a ponytail style

And that's it the beautiful girl I'm looking at right now, happy that's all I wish for her, the happiness that's long lasting

She danced for a while, and stop because of the sound of the bell, letting us realize we have to go to our classes.

"Thanks Smile," she said, "my plesure," I replied she smiled, but it faded away , I could feel her whole issues flooding back into her head, I got hold of her hands and squeezed it a little, "hey, you'll get through this, we'll get through it, please" I said

"I know" she replied as she hugged me I felt my shoulder getting wet then she let go

we went to our separate classes and soon school was over, and that means I have practice that I was willing to skip it for Emma, On my way there I met Summer,

She was on a yellow hoodie and a crazy black jeans with a snicker that made her look tall , but she not!

"hey". She said, "hey". I replied, "I'm going out with David, and don't care if you're cool with it, I'm just telling you". She said,

"so you're scared, and you're telling me incase anything happens,so I'll know David had something to do with it?" I replied, "you're so annoying, I don't know why you think that he is capable of killing anyone". She said,

then I looked at her like she's crazy, because he has muscles, which are not better than mind, but useful, and harmful, "I know he is physical capable, but he has a sweet heart, that doesn't want to hurt anyone". She said, but I really don't have time for this, "whatever, have fun". I said and left her for practice, basketball here we come.

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