Chapter Twenty Four

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Emma POV.
I told Doc. Jem to invite Smile alone, no other person was allowed.
I really have to tell Smile the truth, It'll hurt the both of us, but I have to.
He walked in quietly, I turned my face to him, "hey". I whispered, "how are you feeling". He asked with a little smile, "not good". I replied, "don't worry, the doctor is gonna give you something to make well again". He said with so much hope, "no, nothing is going to help me at this point". I replied, I want to say it now, "please don't talk like that, I don't like it". He said, "I want to tell you the truth Smile, please sit beside me". I said, he sat beside me, and looked at me with a sad eye. I never wanted this to happen, selfish me.
"What is the truth?". Smile asked, I couldn't say a word, tears flowed down my eyes, it couldn't stop, but Smile wiped them off, "please stop crying and tell me". He said.
After a while, "ok, I'm ready". I said, "I'm listening". He replied, " my parents don't like where I I'm, they feel it is unkept, and imperfect, they feel I shouldn't be here, and I shouldn't have a dream, or have a career, they feel I should focus more on the kingdom.
I didn't want that, I don't want anything to do with that, I don't like their ways, its really not my kind of stuff, they do things like we're in the nineteen hundreds, everything about them never change, nothing about their traditions were fascinating, it wasn't what I wanted, so decided to leave, I used the excuse that if I go there and learn there, I could help us improve with resources, they agreed, but the moment I left, my dad arranged my marriage with someone I never met in my life, everything was done without my presence, my dad agreed with it, and demanded that I come home and take my position as a married up coming queen, it was disgusting, so I needed a plan to stop me from going back, and I got one.  it started when I found out I had developing Cancer, I decided to use it, as my freedom, so I didn't take my medications, everytime Lava gave it to me, I would go to the sink to get water, then dump it before she noticed, and drink water alone, or if I was in my room, I would dump it in the toilet, I never had developing Cancer, It was real Cancer.
Now I have one week left to........"

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