Chapter Twenty Five

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Smile POV.
"To die?". I asked, I can't believe she is saying this, it can't be true, "no, I have one week left to change things". She said, "ok, what are we waiting for?". I asked, "I don't want that ". She said, that made me sad, I don't want her to give up, there has to be something to help her with her parents, "Emma, I don't think this would be a wise decision, there has to be something else we can do". I said, "there is nothing we can do, I've tried, I've acted nicely, acted cruely, and begged, but none of those things moved them.
My mum was just the same way, but she gave up, I don't want to be like her". She explained, "you're definitely like her, you're giving up just like her, if there's anything Emma, I would do it just so you can be happy, please don't do this ". I said, I was willing to help, I wasn't there the first time, but this time, I will do everything I can, whatever it takes.
We stayed for a while wondering what we can do, "maybe you can go to another country where no one will find you". I suggested, "I thought of that, but I'm just sixteen! I can't go anywhere I want, plus I don't have a job, ". She said, if she was up to eighteen it would have been easier, "you can wait for two more years then ". I suggested, "they called. they said I have just two weeks, and that isn't equal to eighteen years ". She said, "what are we going to do? Uncle Frank won't accept this, neither would my parents ". I said.

Emma POV.
Smile is trying really hard to fix this, but Its in my hands, I don't want to leave, niether do I want to die, but it can't be balanced, but if I'm alive, Smile would be happy, but if I leave, none of us will be happy, but to think of this, if I die, what difference will it make? I'm giving up, just like my mom.
Smile was suggesting so many things, "its okay Smile, I've decided" I said, "Emma, there has to be another way". She said, "I know that. I have to go home". I said, he was sad again, "if I go home, maybe I can change things, and make sure no one would face what I had to face, maybe I could help someone else dream, just like I wanted to". I explained, "I don't want you to leave, niether do I want you dead, but that's the only way, I'll support you". He said, and hugged me, "thank you so much". I replied, then Doc. Jem came in....

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