I Brought A Troublemaker

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The driver of the chariot smirked, seeing he captured what his master wanted.

Yunlan and Da quing was shocked they beeing carried away into the darkness by a chariot instead of magnificent horses, and they looked like two-headed dragons and one ugly driver that look like a serpent with three eyes. "Yunlan! I'm afraid!" Said Da quing while the driver growl at them to be silent.

In a moment, the driver thrown Yunlan and Da quing on the floor. Yunlan wanted to take revenge and electricuted the driver, making him scream. They tried to escape, but suddenly, they both floated in the air. There, Shen Wei stood gazing at Yunlan intensely. "He....he...it's you again, beautiful sir?" Yunlan wink, making Shen Wei frown as he let go of them telephaticly.

They fall to the floor with a thud. "My lord, what kind of torture do you want us to give him?!" Ask the ministers. Yunlan and Da quing swallowed hard. "Torture?! But we have done nothing to him?!" Shen Wei suddenly shut him up with his fingers. Feeling that soft plump lips. He forgot that his subjects were looking at him. While he caressed Yunlan's plump lips.

He coughs when he realizes it, "Give him a bath and take him to my chamber!" He commands to his maids. Yunlan widened his eyes, "What?!" The servants quickly took Yunlan to the bathroom while Da quing to the cellar. "You got this all wrong! I'm not your type! You will see!" As he was dragged away. Shen Wei can't help to smirk but quickly stop as he sees his subjects looking puzzled at him. He glared at them, making them look down not to look upon his face.

Yunlan, on the other hand, trying to read the servants mind so he can escape, but all of them look dull and lifeless like a zombie while scrubing his entire body and pouring soupy water. They change his entire clothes and comb his hair, making him a perfect concubine for their master. He struggles to be free and use electricity, but the chains on his wrist prevent it. As his hands were chained to the headboard. He just realized his clothes were so revealing, almost seeing his naked body. He tried to cover up with his legs but realized it was tied up as well.

Suddenly, a servant brought a vase with candles in it as he thought it was a perfume one and smelled it. Only to realize it's an aphrodisiac scent. Making his body hot as he moaned unintentionally. He didn't know the servants had already left while Shen Wei stood in front of him, gazing at his scrumptious body. He tried to look angry at Shen Wei, but how could he see the scent of the aphrodisiac, making his whole body want his touch. "Remember my name Shen Wei because you're gonna be my wife for now on!" While caressing his body. "No.......stop....." Yunlan can only moan in replay as Shen Wei took off his clothes and made love to him that night.

Every touch he wants to resist but his body is not cooperating to his. While Shen Wei kissed and caressed his body, making it hot like flame as he whispered his name so Yunlan could remember that only he owned him and no one could ever touch him. "It's so warm inside of you. We will do this every night until you give in to me! And you will volunteer to come to me!" While he thrust more unto him and cum immediately. Yunlan thought it was over but still Shen Wei gave him love bite and touch him more while making love to him intensely. "Aaaaah......no....." But his body is synchronizing with Shen Wei until dawn came.

Yunlan didn't know he fell asleep in exhaustion until he woke up with many flowers surrounded him. His body ache everywhere and the propriator of who done it was gone. He clench his fist angrly for what he have done but was startled when one of the servants hand him a new clothes. "Our lord is waiting for you at the dinning table. "Ha! Let him wait!"

When he came to the dinning room he saw Shen Wei wearing a different robe and bullying Da quing whose trying to eat. "You think you can control me because of this chain?!" He said. He saw one of the servants who was carrying a bowl of soup and took it. As he poured it on Shen Wei's head. All are shocked.

Suddenly the said Shen Wei confront him, "Who are you?! How dare you poured soup on me!" Shout Yezun. Still Yunlan thoughts his Shen Wei. "After what you did to me?!" Suddenly Yezun's eyes became white as he summoned his power of ice.

But was abruptly his the one became frozen as the real Shen Wei came. "Don't you dare touch my wife!" Yunlan and Da quing became dumb found seeing two Shen Wei. Yezun glared at his gege but don't have a choice but to nod in agreement. Shen Wei wave his hand and unbelievable his unfrozen. Yezun left immediately but not before glaring at Yunlan with hatred in his eyes for the humiliation he got from him.

When he left, Yunlan thought Shen Wei would harm him for pouring soup unto his didi but instead laugh hard. "No one dare poured soup at him and get away alive! You're lucky you're my wife!"
Yunlan pout on that,"I didn't agree to be your wife! But you took me away from my family! Sir, beautiful!" Shen Wei laugh more, "Took you away? As I see your leaving your family to escape from me? Am I right? And don't call me sir beautiful! I'm your husband now!"

Yunlan shake his head in denial, Da quing widen his eyes and pulled Yunlan at a side, "You're really out of your mind! Do you see what he have done to his didi?! That might be us! I don't want to die yet! Just give in to his wants and I will find away for us to escape! I promise you that!" Both came back to Shen Wei. First Yunlan is not willing when Da quing elbow him. "Alright husband! I call you husband!" That made Shen Wei smirk.

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