Trying To Escape

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Yunlan and Da quing tried everything to get them out of the underworld.

First, they draw a map and look for every option only to find out it's a dead end, and many soldiers guard the entrance and exit. Plus, the palace is in the middle of nowhere, and outside of it is full of darkness and monsters.

Da quing turned into a cat so no one could notice him while he tried to find out where to escape. While Yunlan creates trouble so his so-called husband is busy looking out for him. While walking around, he went to the royal kitchen to sabotage the foods. And to the armor weapons to make a bomb to explode it.

He didn't know Shen Wei had many eyes that he could see everything in his kingdom. Minister Ouyang reports everything that his wife is doing and can't help to laugh. "Is our lord losing a screw? How can he pick a wife who's very handful!" Aiba, one of Minister Ouyang's assistants, whispered to him. "My lord! Are you okay that your wife is doing that while King Xin ci and his sons are trying to barge into our kingdom?!"

That stop Shen Wei, laughing, "Let them come in, and our pets will welcome them with open arms! And about my wife, I will deal with him! Don't lay a finger on him! Understand?" Minister Ouyang and Aiba look at each but bow in agreement to their king.

Meanwhile, the said troublemaker met someone who didn't know his wife of their king. General Ping, the warlord whose taking care of his soldiers, was startled as his men screamed in their bathroom. They came out painted in purple all over their faces and bodies. "Who done this to my soldiers?!" He suddenly noticed a young man trying to escape the scean. He calls upon his twin claw swords to slice the intruder. Yunlan quickly evaded it. And jump over the wall to escape. But the swords circle back at him as he kicks it to not be harmed. "Maybe I have no power, but still I know how to defend myself thanks to the teaching of my geges!" He said to himself as he covered his half face to not be seen.

The general and his men tried to capture him, but the said intruder easily slipped away from them and back to his room. But was shocked as he saw Shen Wei sitting on his chair waiting for him to come back. "So my lovely wife, where did you go? Don't you like the jewels and clothes I gave to you?" He asks. Yunlan lied as he said he got bored and taken a walk inside the kingdom. Shen Wei suddenly stood and walked toward him. He made him step back as he hit the wall.

Shen Wei caresses his face, "For now on if you're bored, call me! I will be your personal body guard! I've heard there's someone trying to sabotage our kingdom? I don't want you to meet him because you have no power and might get hurt?" Yunlan laught at it, "You don't need to do that!" But suddenly cage him to his embrace, "I didn't mind? And tell you're cat friend not to try to find an escape route. I know everywhere he goes!" And kiss him tenderly, making Yunlan shock and respond back so his husband might not see that Da quing came back. As he hide again in one of the bushes outside so Shen Wei might not see him. Shen Wei, on the other hand, smirked and depended the kiss as he carried Yunlan to bed. Who yelp in surprise as he was placed to their bed.

He swallowed hard seeing Shen Wei notice his painted right hand. "So your favorite color is purple, I guess? It doesn't matter now." As he kisses it and gazes at his cute brown eyes. Yunlan was mesmerized by Shen Wei's beautiful doe eyes as he forgot Da quing is watching. "Oh! No! His caught by that beautiful face!" Da quing said to himself and smack his forehead.

Shen Wei tests the water and kisses him again while his hands roam inside of his robe, making Yunlan's body hot as he responds unintentionally and kisses back while he moans to the kiss Shen Wei never hesitated as he took off his robe while sucking one by one, his already errected nipples. "Wait...." Did he say it or just imagine it.

As his husband went down and pulled off his pants just to capture his below, he was getting impatient as he licked it and suck it whole. Yunlan can't help to scream in extasy. While Shen Wei squeezes his soft behind so he can't get away from him as his eating him up. Yunlan's wall is crumbling while he clutches Shen Wei's hair to continue. Not far, "I can't watch this!" Da quing slide out and and climb up a tree to not see what's happening to his friend. "I need to find the exit, or Yunlan won't be willing to escape with me!" He whispered to himself.

He heard his friend scream for more as Shen Wei thrust himself to him, while biting and sucking his plump lips by his husband.

Meanwhile, Yezun is planning a downfall for his gege. "That wretched wife of his is trouble here! But your gege won't listen to me!" Minister Ouyang told him. Making Yezun got an idea how to take the crown from his gege and kick him out with his new wife in their kingdom. He can't help but smile evily while Zhu Hong look worried on him.

"Could you stop this plan it might get you into big trouble!" But Yezun replied to him with a slapped on her face. "No one has the right to tell me what to do! You're only my woman!" Not far, Da quing saw this while climbing to trees to trees. "That's not right to treat a lady!" He wanted to yell at him but zip as he knew Yezun was also powerful as his gege. And he still love his life. So he just listen to the plan that they have for the couple.

Back to the Sky kingdom, King Xin ci and his sons could not get through King Shen Wei's domain. No god wants to help them because first Yunlan is annoyance so it's good riddance to them and second King Shen Wei is a very powerful god of the underworld. No gods dare to fight him.

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