I Will Fight For You

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    Shen Wei wanted to shout at Yunlan, but he was shut off by a hug. "You're alright?! I got worried when the bear attacked you!" While blinking his cute brown eyes on him.

 "You're alright?! I got worried when the bear attacked you!" While blinking his cute brown eyes on him

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   Shen Wei  can't  believe  how Yunlan can manipulate him like that. Because in a few hours his helping  burying the evidence from King Xin ci. So Yunlan won't be scolded. "Why am I doing this?!" Shen Wei  asks himself.  As Yunlan and Da quing  turned around, Shen Wei  tried to use his power, but only a puft of wind came.

   "No! Why I can't  use my power?!" He said to himself  and tried to use it to Yunlan  to repay him on what humiliation he had done to him. But nothing came when suddenly Yunlan pulled him to hide at one of the bushes as a guards of Sky Kingdom came on patrol the area.

    "Ssshhh! Wei wei! They mustn't see us here!" Shen Wei  about to say to stop him calling Wei wei because his not a kid, but notice Yunlan embracing him so close, almost kissing him. That kissable lips are so near he wants to kiss it. When Da quing meow in cat form ruined their mood as he lead the guards away from them.

    Yunlan was about to let go of him and got up, but he was pulled  by Shen Wei by the waist. "Wei wei?! What's  up with you?" But instead of an answer, he swiftly kisses the startled  Yunlan. "That's  for the payment  for helping you up!" As Shen Wei quickly walk away leaving Yunlan dumbstruck.  "Did his memory come back? Neh? It can't  be?" He told himself  as he followed him.

    In a little while as Yunlan and Da quing  are busy getting a plan so Shen Wei  can defend himself from his gege. Shen Wei, on the other hand, clicks his fingers a few times and tries to get his power back. "Why can't my powers come back like my memory?" He wonders.
Da quing, on the other hand, called one of his tribe's men, Feng, who knew how to craft weapons against the power of the gods.

    Feng looks like a kid like Da quing  but with big glasses.  And gave a cape and bracelet to Da quing  who frown. "These is it?!" Feng told him that's all the budget he can give to Da quing. "Beside you still owe me money, cousin!" While wiggling his nose. Yunlan suddenly  gave him some gold coins for the payment of the weapons he made.

    Da quing  wants to argue some more, but Yunlan stops him and looks toward Shen Wei.  As he handed him the weapons. "Wear these weapons to fight against my gege!" Shen Wei  looked dumbfounded and didn't want to because  of his pride. "Let them come! And I will destroy them for you!" He declared.  Yunlan and the others suddenly  laugh hysterically.

    "Stop joking around, Wei wei! This is for your protection." And force him to wear it. When Shen Wei suddenly pulled him to his waist. "If I defeat you're gege, I want a reward from you!" Yunlan, who still laughing, said, "Fine! Just be careful! Because gege's power is no ordinary. His the first born and his power are like father!"

    That made Shen Wei  smirk, making everyone stop laughing. "I'll make you see how good you're to be husband  is!"  As he released him and called Feng to instruct him how to use the weapons. Da quing  suddenly  felt nervous,  "Yunlan! Did you feel what I felt? Is Shen Wei  memory coming back?" But the answer they're waiting for have answered.

    When Shen Wei almost struck himself out when he used the weapons. "Nah! I think we're imagining things too much, Da quing!" Not far, Mingling, watching them carefully.  "Is it true! Our king lost his memory as well as his power! It will be easy to kill him in the tournament  tomorrow!" He told himself as he smirked.

    On the other side Chu is also watching them, hidden where no one else can see. "I must help my king to survive tomorrow and take him back to our kingdom!" He whispered to himself.

    That day, Shen Wei  practiced hard. Even if the weapons make bruises and wounds on his body. For tomorrow, he will defeat Yang and get his price. He looks at Yunlan, making Yunlan feel uncomfortable  a little as he looks directly at him. And became red as Shen Wei declared that he would win tomorrow. Da quing  noticed this and elbowed his friend. "Don't tell me you're falling for him?" Yunlan silently  smiled and looked back at the practicing Shen Wei  with Feng.

    As the tournament  came, every gods and ordinary citizen watched the fight. King Xin ci whose sitting at the top of the arena with his sons.  Suddenly,  stood up as Shen Wei  and Yang came at the stage. "Our hero wants the hand of one of my sons, Yunlan! But he must defeat first Yang to get his hand in marriage!"

    One of the audience members is Guo, who is not happy. Consoling him is his gege Gen. Sang. "Don't  worry, didi! No one can defeat Yang in arm combat!" Chu, who also beside them, got worried that his king might have hurt and suddenly vanish at the crowd to help Shen Wei.  Mingling, who is in the crowd, also disappeared  as the game began.

    The audience went wild with applause and cheered as King Xin ci declared the game began. The participants have their weapons to fight. While the drums begin to be beat to announce the start of the fight. Yunlan looks worried as Yang is almost beating  Shen Wei  to shread.

    Yang is tall, almost towering Shen Wei  as he swings his blazing sword at him. Shen Wei  is barely defending himself up with the weapons Yunlan gave. "Darn! My power is not yet coming back!" As Shen Wei  want to retailate back. But Yang is pretty strong with his power. It's like fighting Goliath the giant. And his always thrown back at the wall every time he got up. The cape protect his body while the bracelet defend him like shield but this isn't enough.

    The crowd went wild as Yang disarmed him and was now being picked up like a child while clutching his neck. "No offense, hero, but I won't  hand my didi to a weaker being like you!" Shen Wei  smirk, "I'm not a weak little  boy!" As he noticed, Mingling threw a poisonous, small needle toward his way. He quickly maneuvers  himself, and it hits Yang's arm instead. He screams in pain and lets go of Shen Wei.

    "Hero! You cheat!" He shouted. "In battle, you use every trick to survive! But this wasn't my doing!" Shout Shen Wei  as he hurriedly flipped Yang up before he used his lightning bolt and launched at him. Mingling uses his needles again, but this time was intercepted by Chu's magic string.
"Who are you, coward?!" Shout Chu, but Mingling ran away from him. Chu was about to go after him when someone called him. "Hua, whose that?!" Chu was shocked to see Guo there.


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